Only in Michigan do you see a new Corvette (c7) stopping to help a rolled over SUV along the freeway.
True story of this morning. Near the I96/I69 split, Looked like an explorer on it's roof, A couple people standing around it. A little up the road? The vette's driver walking back towards the rollover.
Were the SUV drivers still insisting that their 4x4 is safer
A Corvette with snow tires is better than a 4x4 with bald tires?
It's ok, the thing is probably a GM "Executive Lease." The next seller can demand market + 20% for this fact.
When the ZR1 dropped, I saw one driving up 275 on a similarly snowy morning.
1/27/14 9:42 a.m.
That's rad. Go vette guy!
The neat thing about that part of Michigan is every now and then you see something you're not supposed to see, with manufacturer tags 
I saw some funky looking trucks once, no badging. A few months later the "fugly" Silverado was launched.
My boss was on I94 driving a Viper back from Chicago during last weeks little snowmageddon.
I am saving up for my GT-R because its got all the wheel drives, yo!
I saw a Lambo Gallardo on Thursday night out in the snow in down town Birmingham. I've seen a brand new Porsche GT2 still with paper tags on it out in the snow too. Nothing surprises me anymore.
1/27/14 12:25 p.m.
aussiesmg wrote:
We're the SUV drivers still insisting that their 4x4 is safer
Right here. My 89 Suburban 4x4 is way safer than my 88 c4 in the snow. I mean seriously you are wanting to debate this?
I think (maybe) his point is that the SUV driver thought his car was safer, thus drove more recklessly (because, why be super careful when you are perfectly safe), thus wrecked. The Corvette driver of course would be driving rather safely. e.g. the sense safety can be unsafe
A bit like the statement "4WD allows you to hit the snowbank that much faster).
Snow tires do have their limitations on Corvettes:
However, these were "performance winter tires", not true snow tires.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
I saw a Lambo Gallardo on Thursday night out in the snow in down town Birmingham. I've seen a brand new Porsche GT2 still with paper tags on it out in the snow too. Nothing surprises me anymore.
Don't forget the multiple C2 Corvettes(I've seen at least two on multiple ocassions, one was even a split window IIRC) that can be seen on and around Woodward around 12 mile give or take a few miles.
In reply to Cotton: it wAsn't an 88 and my point was the inaccuracy of owners opinions of their SUV on ice with all seasons
BTW are you really debating your 88 vette is comparable to a C7?
See I can do that too
More predictably, in Michigan today I saw a stupid college kid cover all four available lanes at least three times fishtailing a WS6 Trans Am back and forth. It was a small miracle he didn't kill himself or someone else. So the old formula of: stupid person + V8 + RWD + snow = trouble is still true, at least as a rule of thumb.
1/28/14 12:44 p.m.
aussiesmg wrote:
In reply to Cotton: it wAsn't an 88 and my point was the inaccuracy of owners opinions of their SUV on ice with all seasons
BTW are you really debating your 88 vette is comparable to a C7?
See I can do that too think there vehicle
lol okay this is turning into a joke..... I'm under no delusions that my beater c4 is anything remotely close to a c7 other than the fact that its also a rwd sports car. If I had a c7 I'd still rather be in my any of my 4x4 suvs, 4x4 Jeep, or 4x4 truck.
Obviously a point as specific as "inaccuracy of owners opinions of their SUV on ice with all seasons" wouldn't really come across unless you stated it.
I used to drive my 944 turbos and supras in the snow and ice when that's all I had, but I much prefer 4wd.
In reply to Cotton:
I drive 100k a year and have done so in panther chassis and the last 2.5 years in the manual Elantra. Never been stuck or hit anything.
Changed to snow tires 5 years ago, that was a huge difference
Cotton wrote:
aussiesmg wrote:
In reply to Cotton: it wAsn't an 88 and my point was the inaccuracy of owners opinions of their SUV on ice with all seasons
BTW are you really debating your 88 vette is comparable to a C7?
See I can do that too think there vehicle
lol okay this is turning into a joke..... I'm under no delusions that my beater c4 is anything remotely close to a c7 other than the fact that its also a rwd sports car. If I had a c7 I'd still rather be in my any of my 4x4 suvs, 4x4 Jeep, or 4x4 truck.
Obviously a point as specific as "inaccuracy of owners opinions of their SUV on ice with all seasons" wouldn't really come across unless you stated it.
I used to drive my 944 turbos and supras in the snow and ice when that's all I had, but I much prefer 4wd.
I drove that same C4 home in an ice storm. In fact, my ass print may still be in that seat from my cheeks being clinched so tight. I saw several SUV's that night smashed into things.
What does that mean, you ask? Not much other than I would never willingly do that ever again! lol