I heard some loud strange noises out in the street. Turns out it was nothing - just stunt school at my neighbour's. They were training diving off the deck onto the driveway. Sorry no pictures I didn't ask for permission and their cameras seemed to cover it.
In reply to Rons :
I mean. We where launching cars in the Alley.
1: WTF is a "neighbourhood?"
2: Pics or it didn't happen.
3: Forgiveness > permission.
2/16/20 5:00 p.m.
Neighbourhood is the proper spelling, you ungrateful colonials.
Another “reader”? Quite a few recently beware of the thing that rhymes with gnu.
In reply to drainoil :
Are you implying he's a peddler of skinny boats that you paddle? He's been a member for nearly three years, and has over 300 posts. But yes, his post is quite cryptic.
2/16/20 5:35 p.m.
RealMiniNoMore said:
But yes, his post is quite cryptic.
What I understood was “I heard this thing, but when I saw it all was cool. Sorry, no pics”.
RealMiniNoMore said:
In reply to drainoil :
Are you implying he's a peddler of skinny boats that you paddle? He's been a member for nearly three years, and has over 300 posts. But yes, his post is quite cryptic.
I can’t see his posting history or time on the board but usually the wooden flotation devices show up as “reader” and some kind of coded speak.
Is stunt school code these days for "teenager?" Because that's an apt description of my youth.
2/16/20 7:54 p.m.
This thread needs pics...

Where and who is your neighbo[u]r??
drainoil said:
RealMiniNoMore said:
In reply to drainoil :
Are you implying he's a peddler of skinny boats that you paddle? He's been a member for nearly three years, and has over 300 posts. But yes, his post is quite cryptic.
I can’t see his posting history or time on the board but usually the wooden flotation devices show up as “reader” and some kind of coded speak.
Usually the watercrafters are "New Reader" which means under 100 posts. "Reader" is 100 or more posts. You should be able to just click on his name, which takes you to his profile page which shows all that info.
In reply to jfryjfry :
Jim is a stunt man who in the past has trained his kids in the craft, and was creating a reality show which was sort of Stunt Family.
What’s his last name? Where does he live?? That’s my world and I’m just curious if it is a working guy I know or not.
I'm not sure of Jim's last name we live in Upper Lonsdale North Vancouver, BC.
2/17/20 2:55 a.m.
poopshovel again said:
1: WTF is a "neighbourhood?"
2: Pics or it didn't happen.
3: Forgiveness > permission.
Plenty of YouTube videos of similar activities, some people just seem to enjoy hurting themselves. For example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTK68IhQEvE