My friend posted this on another forum...
...when i was checkin out the afforementioned trails i heard something in the woods so i went around a hill to check it out, and came face to face with this!!!!! a F**KING LAMMA!!!! it honked at me and chased me up a hill and i took this picture of it in a tree waiting for it to go away. when i left the cops were at some house like a mile away because, you guessed it, their lamma got out!
yes.. there are a LOT of breedes up towards the Princeton area. Big money in Llamas
It was probably just looking for the shores. Stupid guidos.
Maybe it had a dentist appointment
Tina.. come get your frickin dinner.
A wealthy rancher used to lend animals for a living nativity scene in a big Christmas display in North Texas. Getting bored with the usual suspects - cows, goats, etc, he decided to change it up and threw in a couple of llamas.
Problem 1: Llamas get bored and sometimes do things that parents would rather not explain to small kids at the Christmas display. Llama love is not a spectator sport.
Problem 2: Local animal rights activists complained that the llamas were subjected to the bitter Texas cold, sheltered only by a wooden shed and haybales. Hmmm ... what's the weather like where they come from?
^^^Which would be the Andes Mountains.
For gods sake their wearing a friggin wool coat.
)Edited for poor off the cuff grammer and spelling.)
ZOMG IT'S A PINEY HORSE!! (jerzy peps will get that)
not the strangest thing I've seen in the Pine Barrens ... but close!
Better'n a rabid racoon, a snapping turtle, or armadillo.
I'm just sayin'

littleturquoiseb wrote:
ZOMG IT'S A PINEY HORSE!! (jerzy peps will get that)
not the strangest thing I've seen in the Pine Barrens ... but close!
not even close to the strangest thing I've seen in the pines.
Close up on the Llama... it's actually the Obamallama.
From Newstados Unidos
oh good gods.. the obamallama had beem giggling like a school girl.. that is funny
3/21/09 2:00 a.m.