oldsaw wrote:![]()
If only!!
fasted58 wrote: White House Situation Room watched real time video/ audio of the UBL assault via Navy SEAL helmet cams... way cool. Wonder when/ if we'll ever see it?
If they are smart they will release it on pay per view and raise alittle money at the same time.
I also found out I'm a blood thirsty monster. My wife can't understand why I would find the killing of another person something to be happy about.
I have to say, seriously now, that other than taking the reported 16 hours to make a decision (indecisive executive branches are a bad thing, if the report is true) - I agree with pretty much everything the administration has done with regards to this attack. If anything, I would have considered burying the body somewhere remote where nobody could get to it, facing Mecca like he wanted, but that's about it. Go figure.
I'm glad they took 16 hours and got it right. Because before they went in, they still didnt know if the other family was OBLs. Hind sights 20/20.
Even the most remote mountain/valley/sewage pit would be a place of worship by the extremist.
In reply to RossD:
You missed what I was trying to say - all of the planning was done, and the O didn't make a yes/no decision until 16 hours later... or so the report states.
I kid you not, my 7 year old said this to me this morning;
"I think they finally got Osama because the Playstation network is down and everyone is really bored."
Coincidence? I don't think so!
Tuna, it's pretty obvious that The O had to call his boss to make sure it was OK, and as Soros was asleep because of the time difference, he had to wait.
Brett_Murphy wrote: I kid you not, my 7 year old said this to me this morning; "I think they finally got Osama because the Playstation network is down and everyone is really bored." Coincidence? I don't think so!
Can't play COD4 on PSN?!?!? Damn, guess we might as well go on a real mission then.
Reminds me of the South Park series about the Game Sphere, which was hilarious.
tuna55 wrote: In reply to RossD: You missed what I was trying to say - all of the planning was done, and the O didn't make a yes/no decision until 16 hours later... or so the report states.
Link? All the news articles I've read say he was informed, slept on it overnight and made the go-ahead first thing next morning. More like 8-ish hours.
Either way, it's a tough call to make.
Javelin wrote:tuna55 wrote: In reply to RossD: You missed what I was trying to say - all of the planning was done, and the O didn't make a yes/no decision until 16 hours later... or so the report states.Link? All the news articles I've read say he was informed, slept on it overnight and made the go-ahead first thing next morning. More like 8-ish hours. Either way, it's a tough call to make.
But the main point I am trying to make is that I am wholesale agreement with the action taken by our executive branch - something I don't think Ive said for a few decades. And with Obama in power, who I don't really like at all - I am trying to be positive here guys...
This was interesting: http://www.debka.com/article/20902/
debka said: White House fumbles getting its Osama bin Laden story straight DEBKAfile Special Report May 4, 2011, 3:20 PM (GMT+02:00) The Abbottabad villa does not support US account of a fortress with few windows Two days after the US President Barack Obama's triumphal announcement that Osama bin Laden was dead, the White House was grappling with a serious credibility problem: Questions and contradictions are mounting about the how and why US elite SEALs killed the most wanted man in the world at his mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan on May 2. New information proving the first stories wrong comes not just from a defensive Pakistan government but also from US officials. Dismissing the conflicting disclosures as "artificial stories" and "conspiracy theories" won't wash – not just in the US but in Arab and Muslim countries after Washington was forced to retract data the president's adviser on terrorism John Brennan put before the media on Tuesday. It was admitted tardily that bin Laden was not armed when he was killed, there was no firefight in the Abbottabad villa and his wife was not used as a human shield. Pakistani sources challenged other parts of the original narrative and Wednesday, May 4, the dead terrorist's daughter told Al Arabiya TV most damagingly that her father was captured alive and then shot by US forces. Even before that, amid rising demands for evidence that Osama bin Laden was dead, White House spokesman Jay Carney confessed Tuesday night: "Even I'm getting confused." And no wonder. Monday, in his first statement on the operation, Obama stated: "And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice." Was he talking about a targeted assassination? Brennan later said that in the firefight in the terrorist's bedroom he had been asked to surrender and was shot dead when he did not answer. Another US spokesman said the SEALs were ready to take him alive. Other US sources described the shooting as happening quickly - "in the blink of an eye," said one. The Republican leader Mitt Romney remarked: "Osama bin Laden took one in the eye." His daughter's evidence contradicted this jumble of American versions. Even though she must have had a Pakistani green light for the Al Arabiya interview, her testimony cannot be lightly dismissed because she was present and shot in the leg (later correction: she was not injured) before being taken into Pakistani custody. Her version makes it look as though US troops executed her father in cold blood. The backlash from her testimony will not do much good to the delicate relations between the Obama administration and Muslim rulers like Saudi King Abdullah which are already tested to the limit over US involvement in the Egyptian uprising and Libyan war. Pakistani leaders are caught awkwardly between an effort to clear their intelligence service ISI of American accusations of collusion in concealing the al Qaeda leader's presence in its midst, and domestic opinion, which is outraged by their government's suspected connivance with Washington to betray a Muslim figure and permit American forces to violate sovereign territory. Reporters in Islamabad heard from the Pakistani foreign secretary Salman Bashir Wednesday, May 4: "We had indicated this complex (in Abbottabad) as far back as 2009 as a possible place," after sighting suspected terrorist movements on the property. It was not known at the time that bin Laden was hiding there and there were millions of other suspect locations, he said. Bashir also hit out at former CIA Director Leon Panetta's comments that informing Islamabad in advance about the raid had been ruled out as "worrying." These comments are just the start of the war of words building up between the Zardari-Ghilani government and the Obama administration. Islamabad has one major advantage: The inmates of the Abbottabad villa and the injured persons present when bin Laden was killed are in Pakistani custody, some in military hospitals. They can be produced whenever necessary to rebut Arab and Muslim criticism of Pakistan's conduct and fend off any attempts to undermine its ties with the Taliban, which has already vowed to avenge Osama bin Laden's death in Pakistan and Afghanistan and outside those countries. This verbal war will make further inroads on the Obama White House's credibility.
As usual, the only thing we can be sure of is that whatever they told us is BS.
I think "Fruck you, he WAS un-armed and we shot him in the face anyway" is a perfectly good answer. It appears the mistake was that they didn't shoot everyone at the compound in the face. The dead tell no tales. Navy SEALs could stand to learn a thing or two from the mob.
Don't worry, the Donald will get to the bottom of this...
...well... maybe after the Apprentice finale.
Dr. Hess wrote: As usual, the only thing we can be sure of is that whatever they told us is BS.
We can't take the word of our government, but we can take the word of the people living in the compound with bin Laden? Seriously? Both sides, I am sure, will twist things to their advantage. I, personally, DGaF. As long as he is no longer pulling strings, and we are on to the next one.
The 3,000 or so folks that died at the WTC never got an option for mercy. I could care less if Osama was begging on his knees when that bullet split his skull.
I don't feel joy over the fact he is gone, but the SOB got what he deserved.
There's a "pic" online that's reported to be a fake.... http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/05/03/bin.laden.fake.photo/index.html?hpt=T1
I think my favorite part is this quote-
"I have seen a great number of poorly Photoshopped images in my time as a photographer and I can tell by the pixels that it is a fake," said Kenna Lindsay, a New York-based photographer who works with composite images.
^A photog with a meme sense of humor, that's awesome!
And apparently some WH unnamed official sold the pics to Reuters, link is on Drudge.
Joe Gearin wrote: I could care less if Osama was begging on his knees when that bullet split his skull.
For all I care, he could have been rescuing drowning kittens at the time.
Well done, Team 6, and all the unsung heroes all the way down the line.
Big surprise here:
Glenn Beck Claims Osama Bin Laden Is Not Really Dead
Honestly, why does he care? It's only good for the US if he is dead. It's good for the US if he is alive (and being interrogated) and they are telling everyone he is dead. Does Glenn Beck hate America?
Thanks for the article link Hess.
I personally don't see anything worrying in that story. The stories are going to conflict if just for no other reason than Pakistan is practicing CYA. Come to think of it, so are our guys. The bottom line is this is a calming moment for the our nation. The Great Boogeyman is dead.
Now the government will have to find a new reason to justify civil liberties violations by the TSA and other gov't and law enforcement agencies.
As with the "Royal Wedding", the media will cover this photo topic for as long as they can.....because? Can anyone guess?
I hope President Obama gave the order to put a bullet in his head. I would have been very disappointed if they had brought him back alive. That would have been an international media berkeley fest. They should have killed him and everyone else in the building. They were all guilty.
Pakistan can kiss off. The guy was living in close proximity to their version of West Point. They obviously couldn't or wouldn't handle it. Tell them to berkeley off. BTW we'll keep that 3+ billion we gave them last year. Incompetence and corruption get's you taken off the Christmas list.
Anyone else raising questions, just tell them we tried him in absentia and Seal Team 6 was caring out the sentence. I'm pretty sure a jury of 300 million would convict him. Good riddance.
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