Well, it is summer.
Sorry no pix, it's gone.
Slice eggplant into 1/2" slices, dredge/hose in olive oil.
Cut a red bell pepper in half, hose with olive oil.
Toss these on the grill and brown.
Fecoccia (?) bread. Looks like a 6 X 9 pillow of Italian bread. Slice it in half lengthwise and toss it on the grill.
Browned bread. Balsamic vinegar. Layer the browned eggplant, roasted red pepper sliced, slivers of red onion, a dozen leaves of fresh basil from the garden, sliced tomato, 1/2" slices of mozorerlla cheese. Lay on more balsamic, cover with the browned top and slice.
Serve it on a cutting board with a nice amber.
Sounds tasty but needs more roast beef. 
Next time try to control your inner Taz and get some pictures. 

Jimmy John's #12 on wheat. Or if I'm making a sandwich myself, pulled chicken cooked in hot sauce on a cast iron skillet with some pepper, on toasted sourdough with sharp cheddar, spinach, ranch, & onion.
patgizz wrote:
sammich is not a word
Depends on where you hale from. We have lots of sammich places 'round these parts. 
D'Angelo Italian Toasted

Reason #3 I'm trying to move to Mass.
8/27/14 12:53 a.m.
Archer farms ham off the bone, olive oil mayo, slice of prosciutto, colby horn sliced thin, done. Lettuce if you wanna get fancy.
8/27/14 12:59 a.m.
My favorite sammich is a free sammich.
Ruben. The rest of you are wrong.
I'll cast the solo vote for the tomato, mayo, and pepper sandwich.

Gasoline wrote:
I'll cast the solo vote for the tomato, mayo, and pepper sandwich.
Oh no you ain't casting a sole vote. Man, I LOVE a cold (fresh out of the fridge) beefsteak tomato sliced thick plenty of Hellmans' mayo with a little salt and plenty of fresh crushed black pepper on good ol' white bread. Yum.
I saw no bacon, so it is utterly impossible this can be anyone's favorite sammich. Please try again.
In reply to Gasoline:
I scanned down the page and there it was, a fresh garden tomato sandwich. I can't wait untill the tomatoes are ripe to have one. I never buy common white bread except during fresh tomato season.
Isaly's chipped chopped ham on fresh deli roll. First thing outta the bag after grocery shopping.
That's it, simple as it gets.
My favorite is cold leftover meatloaf, cooper sharp cheddar cheese, pickles, and BBQ sauce. Mmmmmmmm. Second is Tuna fish on toast with chief whiz and relish mixes in with the miracle whip. No I am not a very classy guy.
8/27/14 9:04 a.m.
Eastern Carolina style BBQ. With slaw! Too far to drive to Wilbur's in Goldsboro, so I guess Smithfield's will have to do.

I like finding new and inventive ways to stuff a Caprese Salad in a sammich.
Other than that.... the eggplant sammich sounds berkeleying delicious and i'm going to try that E36 M3.
8/27/14 10:11 a.m.
In reply to Gasoline:
In my family we always just put the mayo, salt, and pepper directly on the tomato and cut them up and ate them with a fork.
That, with a little red onion and the bread toasted; a pot of coffee and yhe comics is my Sunday morning!
Curmudgeon wrote:
Gasoline wrote:
I'll cast the solo vote for the tomato, mayo, and pepper sandwich.
Oh no you ain't casting a sole vote. Man, I LOVE a cold (fresh out of the fridge) beefsteak tomato sliced thick plenty of Hellmans' mayo with a little salt and plenty of fresh crushed black pepper on good ol' white bread. Yum.
foxtrapper wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
This is a sammich:
Ah, a proper BLT!
Little more bacon,
Topped with bacon.
The only thing that makes it better is a little pepperjack cheese melted on top.
bow chicka bow wow mother daughter sammich
surprisingly enough, all images were NSFW