Okay, let me start by saying this thread exists because of Curtis73 and his response in the Jaguar thread, which is merely a recent data point in the long, long, stream of knowledgeable posts he has made on this forum. His contributions have spanned many years and a dizzying variety of subjects. He is truly a Renaissance Man in an era of extreme specialization.
I thought we might dedicate this thread to those individuals who go above and beyond, both in a willingness to share knowledge, and in actually having a deep well of knowledge from which to share.
Another obvious member deserving recognition is Keith, even if his knowledge primarily concerns those little Mazdas that no man of any significant stature can properly fit into.
So nominate your choice for "Outstanding Member"
Not necessarily the "most-est" or "best-est," just someone who has demonstrated knowledge and a willingness to share that knowledge.
Positives only, please! If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it here.
SVRex is a huge asset here. His knowledge of so many things is incredible. He also has a way of telling you bluntly and honestly without offending. I would bet in real life he's one of those people who could tell you that you smell like dog E36 M3 and you'd thank him for letting you know.
And I'm not sure how to respond to your praise RedT2. So... thank you? I'm flattered.
I'm gonna vote up NickD for the incredible knowledge drop in the trains thread.
6/26/20 11:17 a.m.
Stampie showed up to help me load a lathe. Was the first time I ever met him and he worked like a rented mule to help me get that thing into the trailer.
I gotta give credit too- Curtis73, I've found your posts to be worth such solid gold I keep a running word document of them to reference, ESPECIALLY when it comes to carb tuning and bore/stroke relations.
My Shoutout is to Javelin. I've been looking for a 2nd Gen AMC Javelin and he's steered me away from a couple poor examples despite my random, rambling emails. Finally, theV8kid and Nilvacs both are showing how little money someone needs to spend to go fast.
Motomoron has been incredibly helpful when I have had questions about machinist type stuff.
And Curtis seems to have all the answers about everything else.
Man, it's hard to single people out. What's amazing about this forum is not that there are a few amazingly knowledgeable members, but there are members who are knowledgeable in everything. Many of you have helped me with many things. I often post build diaries here to attract those that know better, which worked extremely well in the Cadillac (hello Stampie!), deck build (SVreX, of course) and baby Moog (Samebutdifferent) threads recently. That's only the past few months.
6/26/20 1:27 p.m.
SVReX is why we chose to homeschool, had a few long phone calls with him over the matter several years ago. And he convinced me to do a real home renovation instead of half-assing it. He was right, the house is gorgeous and well worth the money we spent.
I'll also nominate Wally. A treasure trove of racing, bus, and model vehicle knowledge.
I envision sort of an Academy awards approach to this:
Keith Tanner in Miata and Handling.
NoHome in the Bodywork and Paint.
SVRex in Codes and Home Improvement.
Dusterbd13 in Detailing and Wiring.
Curtis in Renaissance Man.
And finally (because I could go on and on), Trent in the Best Role Model category.
I'm sure I'm not mentioning someone who deserves mention (Robbie, Ian, 914Driver, cmcgregor, and many more have all helped me personally). Cheers to the whole Fam GRM Damily
My oscar style nomination is seth, tuna and Patrick in fatherhood
Stampie for joy in the mundane
Nohome for bodywork
The Nelson clan for inspiration and faith
Javelin and the rest of the model car builders of knowledge who have helped to resurrect my own hobby skills.
I think this community as a whole deserves the credit. I know you people have made me a better person in ways I could never fully explain. You've made me aware of my shortcomings and helped me overcome them just by the examples you lead your own lives by. Added bonus is y'all've taught me some cool car stuff also!
I vote Wally for Mr Congeniality.
We need to get him a sash.
Stampie (FS) said:
I think this community as a whole deserves the credit. I know you people have made me a better person in ways I could never fully explain. You've made me aware of my shortcomings and helped me overcome them just by the examples you lead your own lives by. Added bonus is y'all've taught me some cool car stuff also!
For sure. I haven't had a forum "home" like this place since '06-'08
See, I failed to mention the Nelson clan in the "You can do it" category.
Stupid, stupid.
As mentioned, hard to call a superlative in such a great group.
aircooled said:
I vote Wally for Mr Congeniality.
We need to get him a sash.
For some reason... I just flashed on a vision of Ralph Kramden in some sort of Cupid outfit.
I vote myself, for best example of what not to do/be with your life
I am on team Keith. Spreads knowledge like Johnny appleseed and somehow manages to convey disapproval without even sounding terse.
And Wally, I mean, come on. the funniest, friendliest GRMer hands down.
Both those guys are examples of how I wish I could comport myself and reminders to try and do better.
6/26/20 4:47 p.m.
RevRico said:
I vote myself, for best example of what not to do/be with your life
You could be me....... there's always worse.
6/26/20 4:56 p.m.
In reply to wheelsmithy (Joe-with-an-L) (Forum Supporter) :
It easy as you just learned.
Lay it on thick

Keith and SVREX and 50 others for their knowledge of things that I don't know. You guys make me realize that I don't know a lot.
My friendships with Duster and Patrick and Stampie and Spacecadet and Tim and Bob and a bunch of other people make my life better than it would be otherwise.
Mndsm said:
RevRico said:
I vote myself, for best example of what not to do/be with your life
You could be me....... there's always worse.
Everybody has a purpose in life. Our life's purpose is to serve as a warning to others.
Duke. I was feeling like garbage, lamenting that I'll probably be working until I die. Everyone else seems to have their E36 M3 together when it comes to finances and retirement.
Duke said something to the effect that what I spent my time and money on early in life was what I felt was appropriate at the time. I have memories and experiences that early retirement planers can never have.
That meant a lot to me. Then and now. It really is the single most important advice I've gotten from this place. I mean that.
All of the board, for helping me when my daughter died.
GRM, dCulberson, Robbie, and probably others that I'm forgetting for helping me or a cause I care deeply about
Mndsm, for helping my wife and I enjoy some of the worst days of our lives with a wonderfully generous gift
Wally, for always making me smile when I read his posts
Life's all about a sense of humor.
Wally. Hands down.