Check this out.
Not real sure how I feel about all this. Obviously this and Nebraska possibly jumping ship, the big 12 is basically going away. This will likely force the OK and TX teams to leave as well.
I will be surprised if the Big110 does not end up being a 16 team conference with Texas, Notre Dame, Kansas and Rutgers or West Virginia
96DXCivic wrote: Good thing the SEC can still kick ass and take names.
If only they could read and write!
What does an Alabama football player get on his ACTs?
How is the Kentucky football team like a opossum?
They play dead at home and get killed on the road.
4eyes wrote: Us Okies don't want to be associated with those left-coast weirdoesBring back the BIG EIGHT
Everyone seems to be poised to jump ship, after all is said and done, the big 12 will be lucky to be the big 8
pretty much there are going to be four super-conferences. FSU and Virginia Tech might be hopping ship to the SEC. Notre Dame and some big east teams to big 10 as well...other big east teams to ACC and butta boom kapow der ya go.
pretty much there are going to be four super-conferences. FSU and Virginia Tech might be hopping ship to the SEC. Notre Dame and some big east teams to big 10 as well...other big east teams to ACC and butta boom kapow der ya go.
all of this sucks.
how do you get an Alabama fan off your porch? Pay for the pizza.
LSU fan here, who just happened to wait on Shaq last saturday.
there is some wild speculation going on at the moment, latest is that the majority of the big 12 south will go to the pac 10 and that texas a&m is looking at going to the SEC.
honestly i can't think of a worse place for the aggies than the SEC, they already get walked on in the big 12, thats not going to get any better for them in the SEC, also that would break up the UT A&M rivalry, which has gone on damn near forever
Except that they'll get stronger for sure in the SEC. They'll start winning the recruiting battle over t.u., since most left coast games won't be over until sometime around midnight in the CST. And most football championships and NFL players of the last few years have come from the SEC, so that's more reason for a Texas kid to play at A&M over t.u.
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