I read where one of the so-called "ethics violations" involved her wearing a jacket with a SPONSOR'S PATCH from her husband's snow machine racing. Hey, now she can hang with us. We need hillclimb workers...
And Chris Dodd and Barney Frank walk the streets...
7/5/09 11:55 a.m.
mad_machine wrote:
NYtimes Op/ed
Aren't Op-Ed pages designated for opinions contrary to a publisher's own position(s)? If so, Dowd's column violates that premise as she blows to the left at least as far as the NYT's staff.
Here's one reasoned opinion as to why Palin resigned:
And here is an article (from the AP) regarding her possible future plans:
Maybe she wants a shot at being the first woman to win the Iron Dog, or the third woman to win the Iditarod.
oldsaw wrote:
mad_machine wrote:
NYtimes Op/ed
Aren't Op-Ed pages designated for opinions contrary to a publisher's own position(s)? If so, Dowd's column violates that premise as she blows to the left at least as far as the NYT's staff.
Here's one reasoned opinion as to why Palin resigned:
And here is an article (from the AP) regarding her possible future plans:
did your dad tell you that Quitters never win.. http://www.slate.com/id/2222230/ 
aeronca65t wrote:
-VF Article Here-
Wow. Scathing to say the least.
7/5/09 5:40 p.m.
ignorant wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
mad_machine wrote:
NYtimes Op/ed
Aren't Op-Ed pages designated for opinions contrary to a publisher's own position(s)? If so, Dowd's column violates that premise as she blows to the left at least as far as the NYT's staff.
Here's one reasoned opinion as to why Palin resigned:
And here is an article (from the AP) regarding her possible future plans:
did your dad tell you that Quitters never win.. http://www.slate.com/id/2222230/
Yes, indeed my dad gave that insightful, sage advice; along with other gems.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with Palin's undetermined plans. But you've already decided what her future beholds. You know for a fact that she's aiming for higher office?
Your clairvoyance is astounding. 
7/5/09 5:45 p.m.
ignorant wrote:
aeronca65t wrote:
-VF Article Here-
Wow. Scathing to say the least.
If VF had published such a scathing "story" (compiled from unattributed sources) about Obama's campaign, would either of you be so quick to use it as a substantive source?
I'll be happy when her 15 minutes are over.
I agree.. she was a disaster for McCain
New Reader
7/5/09 6:49 p.m.
I don't care what anyone says...I'd run all up in that son!
oldsaw wrote:
But you've already decided what her future beholds. You know for a fact that she's aiming for higher office?
Your clairvoyance is astounding.
No no no.... She could want to quit it all and go be a cotton farmer for all I care, but our parents were right. Quitters never win. Bush if anything was persistent as hell and It worked out for him.
If you cast aside all her beliefs and arguing about her intelligence level, and try to only evaluate her on her decision making skills under pressure, She is erratic at best lacking any clear direction.
The amount of ammo this one weekend has given all of her future political opponents is enormous.
"She doesn't finish what she starts"
"She quits when the going gets tough."
"She makes rash decisions with no clear plan."
"Without a high-powered presidential campaign staff, she writes terrible, incoherent speeches and reads them like a meth adict on a three-day bender."
And on and on.
Maybe she was banging her kids boyfriend?
"Is that the spot, Missus Palin?"
"You Betcha!"
Well, all I can say is this:
She certainly does know what is best for Alaska...
..her not being the governor.
7/5/09 10:48 p.m.
ignorant wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
But you've already decided what her future beholds. You know for a fact that she's aiming for higher office?
Your clairvoyance is astounding.
No no no.... She could want to quit it all and go be a cotton farmer for all I care, but our parents were right. Quitters never win. Bush if anything was persistent as hell and It worked out for him.
If you cast aside all her beliefs and arguing about her intelligence level, and try to only evaluate her on her decision making skills under pressure, She is erratic at best lacking any clear direction.
Bush (as POTUS) had leverage far beyond that mandated to the governor of a state with lesser resources. And I also applaud him for never wavering from his appointed duties.
Palin, regardless of her beliefs or intelligience level, was denied that "privelege" because her tenure as Governor was compromised by constant and frivolous legal actions by political opponents - all of which incapicated her chances of serving the people of her state.
As an independent citizen, she can choose cotton farming or anything else without the expenses or distractions endured since last year.
Here's a thought - If you professed a design/manfacturing concept that could greatly benefit society far beyond what your employer could offer (or afford), would you slink back to your office, or man-up and strike out on your own - regardless of the circumstances?
Just asking.
Who knows what Palin has in mind for her future?
Me, no!
Pundits, no!
You, or anyone else, no!
oldsaw wrote:
Here's a thought - If you professed a design/manfacturing concept that could greatly benefit society far beyond what your employer could offer (or afford), would you slink back to your office, or man-up and strike out on your own - regardless of the circumstances?
terrible example. your employer owns the intellectual property if it was conceived / designed / developed on company time, and if you tried to strike out on your own with it, you would certainly be smashed to bits by your employer's legal department.
AngryCorvair wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
Here's a thought - If you professed a design/manfacturing concept that could greatly benefit society far beyond what your employer could offer (or afford), would you slink back to your office, or man-up and strike out on your own - regardless of the circumstances?
terrible example. your employer owns the intellectual property if it was conceived / designed / developed on company time, and if you tried to strike out on your own with it, you would certainly be smashed to bits by your employer's legal department.
And in a great deal of the employment contracts Iv'e seen, it stipulates that ANYTHING developed at ANYTIME that you are working for the company is the property of the company. Your free time isn't exactly your free time......
oldsaw wrote:
Palin, regardless of her beliefs or intelligience level, was denied that "privelege" because her tenure as Governor was compromised by constant and frivolous legal actions by political opponents - all of which incapicated her chances of serving the people of her state.
To rephrase... She made poor choices that allowed open doors everyone for anyone to run in and harrass her.. Again. She should have chose more wisely.
New Reader
7/6/09 5:34 a.m.
ignorant wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
Palin, regardless of her beliefs or intelligience level, was denied that "privelege" because her tenure as Governor was compromised by constant and frivolous legal actions by political opponents - all of which incapicated her chances of serving the people of her state.
To rephrase... She made poor choices that allowed open doors everyone for anyone to run in and harrass her.. Again. She should have chose more wisely.
One can not choose wisely if they are not wise.
ignorant wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
Palin, regardless of her beliefs or intelligience level, was denied that "privelege" because her tenure as Governor was compromised by constant and frivolous legal actions by political opponents - all of which incapicated her chances of serving the people of her state.
To rephrase... She made poor choices that allowed open doors everyone for anyone to run in and harrass her.. Again. She should have chose more wisely.
Wow.. what I wrote makes no sense, when read literally. No more posting at 5am.
7/6/09 5:40 p.m.
ignorant wrote:
ignorant wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
Palin, regardless of her beliefs or intelligience level, was denied that "privelege" because her tenure as Governor was compromised by constant and frivolous legal actions by political opponents - all of which incapicated her chances of serving the people of her state.
To rephrase... She made poor choices that allowed open doors everyone for anyone to run in and harrass her.. Again. She should have chose more wisely.
Wow.. what I wrote makes no sense, when read literally. No more posting at 5am.
Understandable, timing and cognizance work well together!
My poorly executed example using IP was posted after a VERY long day.
Back on topic, Palin was/is a popular Governor who likely never imagined the consequences of being chosen as a VP candidate. She accepted the position with the general support of her constituents.
For those who pillory her, keep in mind it was McCain's crew who made the attempt to invigorate a lamely conducted campaign and they ended-up with someone who had more moxie and appeal than McCain himself. Palin adhered to her principles and wasn't afraid to confront her detractors. That always pisses off someone.
I don't have any problem with Palin quitting her office early. She (and the state) have been saddled with frivolous and expensive baseless claims of impropriety (all thrown-out btw) that were filed with the express purpose to discredit her. She made enemies and they chose a legal (but rather despicable) method of getting even. As a result, she couldn't give full attention to the needs of the state that hired her.
Now, out of office, Palin can disappear or confront her detractors on a level field of play. I rather hope she maintains a political presence, embarrasses the elitists who helped naunce a liar (and his bumbling stooge) into office, and makes a ton money doing it.