ignorant wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
aircooled wrote:
z31maniac wrote:
Just curious why the other politicans don't get nailed for thier short comings......
I think most of it was that first big interview.... it was really really bad. She came off as a blithering idiot. I am sure normally even very dull politicians are heavily prepped for such things, but somehow this one slipped through.
If you can find that interview, really, its very bad. If an maniacal sounding scream can ruin a candidates chances instantly, she should have been tossed on the pile right after that interview.
I'll take the gaffe machine over this:
"I can see russia from my house"
That was Tina Fey, not Sarah Palin. And yes, we'll all bend over and take the "change."
oldsaw wrote:
Indeed, all politicians have equal opportunities for media scrutiny.
The question is whether, or not, that scrutiny is applied evenly, or if criticism is tempered because one candidate's/politician's views are supported or disapproved by the presenter.
Good point there.
She may also be the unfortunate recipient of another side effect of the Bush/Conservative hangover. The media didn't hassle Bush quite enough. Still isn't as hard on Obama as they need to be. There may be some truth to your argument that Palin is getting the worse of it if only because she's an easy target. She doesn't come across as media savvy. The gaff's she makes are quite quotable. Another common trait she has with Bush.
If you catch that "media bias" whiff, maybe it's because the stench is there. Perhaps it's not realized for the same reason that a fish doesn't know it's wet?
You sayin' I stink?! 
If the thread ref wants to throw a flag, I'll willingly take the penalty.
You gonna make me watch "The View" for week?
He||, I was calling that penalty on myself. I got all off topic and out of focus. I sat myself in the quiet corner for the night.
I would contrast the two as:
Biden seems to misspeak (I think sometimes he is trying to be funny). It's goofy, overly honest, embarrassing, and sometime offensive, but does not seem to come from a place of stupidity (other than social stupidity).
Palin, aside from the stammering, just really doesn't seem to know what she is talking about. I don't think Palin really does this anymore, I am sure she has been well "prepared" at this point, but the stigma of what appears to be an honest look at a fairly major political figure who is clearly "uniformed" still sticks.
7/9/09 12:23 p.m.
Xceler8x wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
Indeed, all politicians have equal opportunities for media scrutiny.
The question is whether, or not, that scrutiny is applied evenly, or if criticism is tempered because one candidate's/politician's views are supported or disapproved by the presenter.
Good point there.
She may also be the unfortunate recipient of another side effect of the Bush/Conservative hangover. The media didn't hassle Bush quite enough. Still isn't as hard on Obama as they need to be. There may be some truth to your argument that Palin is getting the worse of it if only because she's an easy target. She doesn't come across as media savvy. The gaff's she makes are quite quotable. Another common trait she has with Bush.
If you catch that "media bias" whiff, maybe it's because the stench is there. Perhaps it's not realized for the same reason that a fish doesn't know it's wet?
You sayin' I stink?!
If the thread ref wants to throw a flag, I'll willingly take the penalty.
You gonna make me watch "The View" for week?
He||, I was calling that penalty on myself. I got all off topic and out of focus. I sat myself in the quiet corner for the night.
Camille Paglia (from Salon) has similar observations, and she's an avowed liberal:
No, I'm not saying you stink; we haven't even met.
But there are people who live next to a paper mill and never notice the aroma.
BTW, I forgot to watch "The View" - double flag on me!
I'll pile on.
of all news outlets just posted an editorial agreeing with you.
Hot And Bothering: Media Treatment Of Sarah Palin
poopshovel wrote:
And yes, we'll all bend over and take the "change."
Damn right you will.... Just like the time you got that prostate exam and realized that the doctor had a hand on each one of your shoulders.....
(and I know the tina fey thing.. it was a joke.. jeebus)
Oldsaw, can you explain to me how this person is qualified to run the United States of America? I'm not mocking you, but I can see no reason why anyone would vote for her. I mean, is she really what we need right now?
I'm not talking about Obama, Bush, or anyone else for that matter. Perhaps you can enlighten me?
Datsun1500 wrote:
ManofFewWords wrote:
Oldsaw, can you explain to me how this person is qualified to run the United States of America? I'm not mocking you, but I can see no reason why anyone would vote for her. I mean, is she really what we need right now?
Can you explain how Obama is qualified?
Yeah, really simple. We had an election and he won.
Wow this has gone on long enough, where's the naked pics of Palin anyway!!!
wherethefmi wrote:
Wow this has gone on long enough, where's the naked pics of Palin anyway!!!
Check out the centerfold of Snowmobile Racers Quarterly. 
Jeez, Obama never counted the stars on the US flag. Maybe he's not as qualified as we all thought. Oh, that's right: he was a 'Community Organizer'. That automatically qualifies you to run the free world, or at least spend other people's money like a drunk sailor. 
I liked Palin because she was a breath of fresh air in the political machine process. Sure she stumbled and made mistakes, but don't we all? I was looking forward to something different from the canned responses. FWIW, Biden is a complete idiot one heartbeat away from the Presidency who sticks his foot in his mouth all the time but I have yet to see any of the libbies screaming for his head. Ya don't think these good leftists are actually... wait for it... DOUBLE STANDARD SEXISTS???? 
I also think she may have stood back, seen what politics was doing to her life, and said 'screw this'. I actually had high hopes for Clinton when he first ran for the Presidency. Over this terms in office, he managed to completely lose my respect except for one thing: when he told the news media that Chelsea was off limits and would brook no argument. Assuming that Palin made the same decision, I will have the same respect for her.
edit: misread that... HA!..
So.. She says it cost her 1.9M for these record requests. I've read elsewhere that the special session that her resignation will require will cost over $200k.. Not that cheap to quit.
moar funnies
Jensenman wrote:
Jeez, Obama never counted the stars on the US flag. Maybe he's not as qualified as we all thought. Oh, that's right: he was a 'Community Organizer'. That automatically qualifies you to run the free world, or at least spend other people's money like a drunk sailor.
I liked Palin because she was a breath of fresh air in the political machine process. Sure she stumbled and made mistakes, but don't we all? I was looking forward to something different from the canned responses. FWIW, Biden is a complete idiot one heartbeat away from the Presidency who sticks his foot in his mouth all the time but I have yet to see any of the libbies screaming for his head. Ya don't think these good leftists are actually... wait for it... DOUBLE STANDARD SEXISTS????
I also think she may have stood back, seen what politics was doing to her life, and said 'screw this'. I actually had high hopes for Clinton when he first ran for the Presidency. Over this terms in office, he managed to completely lose my respect except for one thing: when he told the news media that Chelsea was off limits and would brook no argument. Assuming that Palin made the same decision, I will have the same respect for her.
Thanks Dave, I wish I could express it that well. Every time I get into the political thread I get trumped; lack of information, inability to express, I dunno.
7/10/09 7:08 a.m.
Jensenman wrote:
Jeez, Obama never counted the stars on the US flag. Maybe he's not as qualified as we all thought. Oh, that's right: he was a 'Community Organizer'. That automatically qualifies you to run the free world, or at least spend other people's money like a drunk sailor.
I liked Palin because she was a breath of fresh air in the political machine process. Sure she stumbled and made mistakes, but don't we all? I was looking forward to something different from the canned responses. FWIW, Biden is a complete idiot one heartbeat away from the Presidency who sticks his foot in his mouth all the time but I have yet to see any of the libbies screaming for his head. Ya don't think these good leftists are actually... wait for it... DOUBLE STANDARD SEXISTS????
I also think she may have stood back, seen what politics was doing to her life, and said 'screw this'. I actually had high hopes for Clinton when he first ran for the Presidency. Over this terms in office, he managed to completely lose my respect except for one thing: when he told the news media that Chelsea was off limits and would brook no argument. Assuming that Palin made the same decision, I will have the same respect for her.
Nice summary; it reflects much of my own thinking.
Obama, like Carter, benefited from a huge anti-Republican backlash at the polls. But that didn't mean they were "better" alternatives. For the record, I had high hopes for Carter (in '76) and that's one vote I'd take back in a heart beat. However, it inspired me to pay much more attention to future candidates.
Clinton did the right thing by proclaiming Chelsea as "off-limits". The press was even relatively well-behaved when the Bush twins were cavorting around and got busted for under-age drinking.
The manner in which Palin (and her family) has been handled is despicable - and says much about the critics and those who parrot them, but not in a good way.
It appears in December 2001 there was allegedly an incident in London with a drunk Chelsea Clinton doing a Britney Spears imitation (only she didn't forget her undies). The word is it was only reported in some local London newspapers, it never made its way into the MSM over here. Hmmm. MSM double standard again? Who'd a thunk it?
oldsaw wrote:
The manner in which Palin (and her family) has been handled is despicable - and says much about the critics and those who parrot them, but not in a good way.
I know! Because all the right wing demagogues on A.M. radio treat ALL Democrats with so much respect. It's unbearable the double standard. 
Does the despicability we're talking about apply to A.M. talk radio hosts when they malign Democrats?
Jensenman wrote:
It appears in December 2001 there was allegedly an incident in London with a drunk Chelsea Clinton doing a Britney Spears imitation (only she didn't forget her undies). The word is it was only reported in some local London newspapers, it never made its way into the MSM over here. Hmmm. MSM double standard again? Who'd a thunk it?
Got the link to that? I'd like to see it. I bet Chelsea wears a thong when she parties. 
Xceler8x wrote:
Jensenman wrote:
It appears in December 2001 there was allegedly an incident in London with a drunk Chelsea Clinton doing a Britney Spears imitation (only she didn't forget her undies). The word is it was only reported in some local London newspapers, it never made its way into the MSM over here. Hmmm. MSM double standard again? Who'd a thunk it?
Got the link to that? I'd like to see it. I bet Chelsea wears a thong when she parties.
Hmmmm, wonder if she borrows Hillary's.
More grist for the mill...
Levi Johnston: Palin resigned to cash in on fame
Levi is the guy who knocked up her daughter.
7/10/09 10:46 a.m.
Xceler8x wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
The manner in which Palin (and her family) has been handled is despicable - and says much about the critics and those who parrot them, but not in a good way.
Does the despicability we're talking about apply to A.M. talk radio hosts when they malign Democrats?
Sure, more so if said talk show hosts match the levels of Rachel Maddow or Randi Rhodes.
Got any examples?
Jensenman wrote:
....I liked Palin because she was a breath of fresh air in the political machine process. Sure she stumbled and made mistakes, but don't we all? I was looking forward to something different from the canned responses....
So you are looking for someone with the political experience of Obama and the speaking talent of Bush II? 
BTW - it seems like she is well accustom to the Truthiness of the American political process:
I suspect some of these are less than accurate, but it seems highly unlikely they all are.