oldsaw wrote:
Sure, more so if said talk show hosts match the levels of Rachel Maddow or Randi Rhodes.
Got any examples?
Dang it. Hoisted on my own retard..I mean petard on this.
NO! I don't have examples. But we all know ol'Rush loves to trot out some less than respectful dialogue and commentary much like what is being slung at Palin right now. He's also only one. No reason to even talk about the others commentators.
7/10/09 12:55 p.m.
Interesting that you chose Andrew Sullivan as a source.
Here's his response to someone who "took him to task" about reporting/commentating:
It's curious that he sloughs-off Palin's advocation of "smaller government", "lower taxes" and "energy independence" as mere platitudes.
Yet, "change we can believe in", "spread the wealth" and "transparency" are regarded as deep political, well-considered platform issues.
I rarely listen to Limbaugh, so I don't know what we're all supposed to know.
But here's a link to his speech at CPAC, and it seems somewhat tame compared to what I'm supposed to have heard.
oldsaw wrote:
Interesting that you chose Andrew Sullivan as a source....
I didn't choose him as a source, I have no idea who he is, that was just something I ran across.
I am sure he is a slanted wacko, like most everyone who takes the position of political commentator. As noted though, it is likely that at least some of what he notes is true.
... face it, your quest for a straight forward, transparent, honest politician is a wild pipe dream... remember, it is one of the things that likely got Obama elected... Palin certainly seems not to posses those qualities (at least not anymore).
7/10/09 2:16 p.m.
aircooled wrote:
... face it, your quest for a straight forward, transparent, honest politician is a wild pipe dream... remember, it is one of the things that likely got Obama elected... Palin certainly seems not to posses those qualities (at least not anymore).
You're suggesting that Obama's election was just a pipe-dream of delusional voters who believed he is as "real" as he claims? Perhaps you're on the right track.
I don't put politicians on pedestals; pedestals are best reserved for ornate pottery or statuary.
My point of contention is that she can do what she damn well wants whether, or not, people support or savage her. Palin quit for any number of reasons (often listed on this thread) and I won't begrudge her for the decision.
Time will tell if I or anyone else views her future contributions (in the political arena) as worthy.
aircooled wrote:
Jensenman wrote:
....I liked Palin because she was a breath of fresh air in the political machine process. Sure she stumbled and made mistakes, but don't we all? I was looking forward to something different from the canned responses....
So you are looking for someone with the political experience of Obama and the speaking talent of Bush II?
BTW - it seems like she is well accustom to the Truthiness of the American political process:
I suspect some of these are less than accurate, but it seems highly unlikely they all are.
Ya know, I see that all the time: people come down here and think that because people talk slow and funny that they are stupid. Best not to judge a book by its cover. 
Maybe she didn't have a lot of experience but from what I understand of the rhetoric of Obama supporters that's actually a strength. Or is that reserved strictly for males of color? Oh, darn; there's that sexist thing again.
No matter what else, she stirred up American politics like nothing else in recent memory and as another poster pointed out she scared the Democrat party machine and the liberal leaning MSM so bad they went nuts trying to discredit her. Must be something there. 
Actually, ALL women running for the president get run through the political mud machine. Does not matter who they are or what party they are from.
No mud was spared in their behalf. The political machine is scared to death of a woman in charge
BTW, Ferraro ran for VP with Mondale. I don't recall that she got anywhere near the grief that Palin did. LQ seems to have gotten a pass on a lot of stuff.
7/12/09 12:35 a.m.
Why did this thread reach 6 pages?
Salanis wrote:
Why did this thread reach 6 pages?
Well, after bush imploded the GOP, the conservatives are now lost in a great chasm of "WTF"..... yadda yadda yadda
Mccain is on Meet the press right now defending Palin's quitting..
It's funny to see he dance around the issues...
He said... "well I don't know if she made a promise to the people to serve out her term by accepting it" <--- paraphrase...
http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2009/07/09/2009-07-09_to_go_forward_gop_must_snap_out_of_its_sarah_palin_spell.html <--- That guy was a major advisor to McCain during the campaign........ HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe we should just keep this to a simple sarah palin: stupid or not stupid. Than all you would have to do is say stupid or not stupid. All this conversation both ways is silly. It's foolish to think you can change someones political views.
You fools!