Just wondering if anyone here knows anything regarding package forwarding and consolidation services?
The reason I'm asking is I'm looking at having a few things shipped from the US to Australia, but due to the fact that things I want are spread over several vendors, it means I'd be up for several lots of overseas shipping which adds up pretty quickly and doesn't really make it worthwhile. I figured if I can get everything sent to a us based forwarding company I can get it all consolidated into one box and therefore only get hit with one international shipping charge. Thoughts?
I have a stateside address that would get your goods to Kuwait. I could DHL them to you from there if that would help any.
The catch is, it takes a little longer (up to a month to get here) and the address doesnt work with the formatting for some vendors.
Check around for freight forwarding companies local to you. I have an account with a local company that brings packages in via a Miami address and handles all the customs stuff for you, you just pay a few dollars on top of that for their fees, but shipping prices are based on weight so heavy stuff gets expensive quickly.
It seems you have to shop around to find a good freight forwarder though, I've had awful experiences with another one I'd signed up with in the past, and one a mechanic used that lost parts and information and had things tied up for months.
In reply to GameboyRMH :
There is one zip code in Miami that is so thick with freight forwarders that ups dhl amazon, usps etc all set up giant tent based sortation and delivery operations in parking lots every Xmas.
In reply to Hungary Bill:
That's a really awesome offer Bill, but I get the feeling that by the time things find their way to Kuwait and then on ship to Australia, the shipping is going to start to add up a bit?
In reply to GameboyRMH:
It's the hit and miss factor that I'm trying to avoid.
It seems a few providers are pretty good at having extra fees and charges that aren't so upfront or obvious at first glance.
MyUS and vyking ship seem to offer what I need and seem to review pretty well after a bit of digging.
daeman said:
In reply to Hungary Bill:
That's a really awesome offer Bill, but I get the feeling that by the time things find their way to Kuwait and then on ship to Australia, the shipping is going to start to add up a bit?
Well the shipping to kuwait is the same postage as anything else shipped state to state. But yeah, the shipping from here to Down Under might cost us a first born.
You know anybody in the RAAF? They fly to Anchorage Alaska from time to time 
i tried www.deliveringparcel.com few months back as i bought some parts and needed someone to pack and send for me . website look clumpsy but did the job for me as reviews were ok to trust the company .