Today I came home to a parking ticket on the rx7 that is currently in my possession. The ticket was for parking within 30' of a stop sign. There is not a 'no parking' sign anywhere on this side of the street. For the past 2.5 years I have lived here these two spots have only been empty when people are at work. Measuring 30' out from the stop sign (just behind the rx7) would be at the side mirrors on the GTI. The stop sign is on an alley with very light traffic that dead ends into a small group of condos.

I already filled out the form online to contest the ticket.
Rant off.
9/22/15 5:09 p.m.
Pull the stop sign out of the ground if it sees that little traffic.
Someone complained.
I doubt contesting it will do any good. Breaking the law for 2.5 years before getting busted isn't really a defense.
Good luck contesting it, I think you'll loose.
Yeah, not really seeing your defense in this case. Good luck though.
I think I'll lose as well. Just wanted to rant about it. And if I do lose I will call in a complaint every time a car is parked within 30 ft of that sign.
Exactly. If they want to start things, make sure your situation is squeeky clean and then proceed to be "that guy".
I got home from a business trip last week to find that on the morning of 9/11 some cop had roamed through the parking garage at chicago midway airport and had ticketed just about every other car.
Sure enough, I had a ticket too. No front plate. $60 bucks.
9/22/15 8:46 p.m.
That sucks, but at least there shouldnt be any points.
Look over all the details on the ticket, that may be the key to freedom.
For example, I beat a NYC parking ticket because of errors on the location of the infraction. The officer marked it as being in front of house number 123 instead of on the side across from house 123. That moved the car from a side with "no parking" signs to a side where it was legal to park without ever putting the key in the ignition. A few photos of the street showing the location of the signs was enough to get it dismissed.
I've also had it where they circled PM instead of AM when writing it up the infraction and I was able to show the car was someplace else at the time on the ticket.
Good luck with the appeal.
"In your possession"? Not your car, not your problem. 
Fight it. I think the ticket is wrong...
(7) Within thirty feet of, and upon the approach to, any flashing beacon, stop sign, or traffic control device;
Note is says "within thirty feet of, AND (not or) on approach to... "
You are not parked on the approach to, you aren't even on the same street. I interpret the law to mean that you cannot part withing thirty feet of the front of a stop sign. I got the info here...
Ohio Parking Code
In reply to Boost_Crazy:
I'll definitely use that, thanks. The ticket only says "within 30' of a stop sign."
Enyar wrote:
Pull the stop sign out of the ground if it sees that little traffic.
^this. street signs make good skid plates
9/23/15 8:08 a.m.
Boost_Crazy wrote:
Fight it. I think the ticket is wrong...
(7) Within thirty feet of, and upon the approach to, any flashing beacon, stop sign, or traffic control device;
Note is says "within thirty feet of, AND (not or) on approach to... "
You are not parked on the approach to, you aren't even on the same street. I interpret the law to mean that you cannot part withing thirty feet of the front of a stop sign. I got the info here...
Ohio Parking Code
Yeah, I think I agree with that analysis. It sounds like the code says only within 30' on the upstream side of the sign.
I got 2 simultaneous parking tickets in front of my house: 1 for parking the car on the lawn (it was) and 1 for displaying a car for sale on the street (it was displayed for sale, but not on the street). I went down to the Alderman's Court and said, "Which is it, on the lawn, or in the street?" The clerk literally ripped both tickets up.
Nick (Not-Stig) Comstock wrote:
Good luck contesting it, I think you'll loose.
Who knows, he might have a pretty tight case. 
Boost_Crazy wrote:
Fight it. I think the ticket is wrong...
(7) Within thirty feet of, and upon the approach to, any flashing beacon, stop sign, or traffic control device;
Note is says "within thirty feet of, AND (not or) on approach to... "
You are not parked on the approach to, you aren't even on the same street. I interpret the law to mean that you cannot part withing thirty feet of the front of a stop sign. I got the info here...
Ohio Parking Code
Good find. Looks like this may be a misinterpretation of the rules on the cop's part.
9/23/15 3:18 p.m.
Fight the power! BS ticket, cop does not know the law, or he does and figures you roll over and take it.
it was because of the stickers: someone complained about a "race car" sitting on the street and dragging down their property values..
wait … somethings wrong here … racecar out front should RAISE the property values … someone needs some edjumacating
In reply to Esoteric Nixon:What you did their did not go unnoticed
At least you're your not the guy in Chicago that got a ticket for not moving his SUV off the street he lives on as it was due for street cleaning today. The problem was that last night all four wheels were stolen and he woke up to find his vehicle on 4 cement blocks. Had the police come out and file a thief report (Insurance purposes) and then posted a note in the windshield of his plight. Didn't help!
I had a tow truck stolen. A month later I got a red light ticket from that night with a stolen car on the bed.
Maybe the cop rolled up to the stop sign and almost hit your car as he turned.
I'd call in every car that is parked there from now on.
9/26/15 6:14 a.m.
Clearly owning a car with stickers plastered all over it means that you're one of those hoodlum, punk street racer types that terrorize the good, honest, hard working people of your area. Be lucky a ticket is all you've gotten so far.