This is the 8th week after knee scope surgery. Follow up w/ doc (PA) after 3 weeks and then started PT 2X per week for strength training and range of motion . After the first week and a half of PT I brought up walking as I walk a lot at work, the therapist kept saying it'll be soon but it didn't happen. I walked on off days from PT, just around the grocery store, mall, neighborhood etc. but PT sternly warned me to be careful and don't over do it.
Two weeks ago I had another follow up w/ the PA. My PT evaluation of strength and motion range was excellent, I agreed. PA thought I'd be ready for work. I disagreed as I still need to get my walking up to speed. I later found out that PT couldn't let me walk as I requested because it wasn't on the order. PA then wrote a script to include treadmill walking in PT.
PT was increased to 3X per week and they upped the weight in my workout (which tweaked my back) and I started treadmill walking, working up to 20 minutes or a little over half mile by yesterday. PT told me to rest after workout days but I still walked on my off days... but my back was still killin' me.
Week eight follow up w/ PA, she thought surely I 'd be ready for work, I still disagreed. By her change in attitude I think she thought I was trying to milk it. I explained how a one hour PT workout and 20 minute treadmill walk 3X per week does not transition well to being on my feet all day and walking an average 5 miles/ 8 hr shift at work at 5 days minimum. She became a little miffed.
I suggested allowing me another week, dropping the PT weights which were killin' my back and restricting my walking. Let me walk every day on my own... in the real world not a treadmill. Working up to walking (on/ off) two miles/ day on my own would be a good transition from PT to work.... I'd be totally satisfied... send me back to work in a week, no problem. I'd continue the PT exercises at home. As strength training is key, I'd resume the weights after returning to work.
Although I only asked for a week, the PA scheduled me for two weeks to see the surgeon... as if she washed her hands of me. I'm still stopping in their office next week to get my release to work.
I know what I need to do at work, they don't. My boss or HR isn't concerned about my time off, only that I feel ready when I return, they stand behind my decision. I'm totally confident this plan will work.
Am I being unreasonable? Suggestions, experience etc?