If it proves to be true, I am very saddened by this. I enjoyed all of the F&F films and even saw a goofy movie he did about being a racist meth head the other day.
As influential as Smokey and the Bandit and Burt Reynolds where for me, and people from my generation getting "into" cars from a young age, I can't help but feel Paul Walker and the F&F franchise has been ten times as influential for the younger generation.
I know nothing of Paul Walker the man but I believe he was a good actor and giving back at a charity event makes him a good man. Very sad Indeed.
Too soon junior 
Sad, don't get me wrong but it will just be filled with horrible one liners.
11/30/13 10:35 p.m.
nicksta43 wrote:
If it proves to be true, I am very saddened by this. I enjoyed all of the F&F films and even saw a goofy movie he did about being a racist meth head the other day.
As influential as Smokey and the Bandit and Burt Reynolds where for me, and people from my generation getting "into" cars from a young age, I can't help but feel Paul Walker and the F&F franchise has been ten times as influential for the younger generation.
I know nothing of Paul Walker the man but I believe he was a good actor and giving back at a charity event makes him a good man. Very sad Indeed.
I could not have said it better myself other than I thought he was a terrible actor.
Imdb lists his death as Nov 30th, guess it is true.
I was really hoping this was a hoax and am sad that he did pass away today. As cheesy as they were, the F&F films really broadened the car culture to a much wider audience. RIP, Paul...
11/30/13 10:44 p.m.
I'm not even going to joke about having too much naws. That'd be crass.
for as a bad actor as he was he did benefit our hobby and did try to use his popularity and our hobby for positive things.
RIP Paul, may your life not be viewed as only one quarter mile at a time.
Yeah, by all accounts he was a genuine car guy. It's too early to cast blame. More importantly, families lost some loved ones today.
In reply to mndsm:
I said good, not great. He was good in the other film, the meth head one. He was good in varsity blues and pleasantville. Not great, but good.
I've always said, I wanted to go through the pearly gates backwards at 140 with my hair on fire, but, when something like this happens, I realize you don't ever get to chose to go out on your own terms. It's just a romantic notion that you get to go out on your own terms. I can't help but to think of those he left behind, because I have people that I would be leaving behind, if I went out the way I've imagined I will, at a much too young of age. I'm sure when he woke up this morning he had plans for tomorrow, or the rest of the week, or what he was going to do for Christmas...
With all the jokes from the movie aside, it is sad to hear of his passing. I still think that is a scary car to drive, basically being a scrapped LMP1 in modern drag.
David S. Wallens wrote:
Yeah, by all accounts he was a genuine car guy. It's too early to cast blame. More importantly, families lost some loved ones today.
Thank you.....you just said - with eloquence - what I wanted to say but could not find the words for.
Driver was said to be World Challenge driver Roger Rodas.
If you take Google maps and look at the route, I think the back end stepped out and the car slammed into that light pole. If you look at pictures on TMZ, you see the pole is knocked over. Don't think the tree had anything to do with it
FSP_ZX2 wrote:
Driver was said to be World Challenge driver Roger Rodas.
According to the googles Rodas was also a team owner of that team as well as Walkers financial advisor. Makes sense he could afford a CGT.
Sad day for two families and the automotive world in general. Awful.
Sad to hear about this.
We're watching the first F&F in his honor.
Condolences to the families.
He was a car guy.
Walker recalled his decision to take the role in Fast and the Furious to Motor Trend this year.
"Universal came to me with a newspaper article about street racing in L.A. and I was like 'Are you kidding me? I grew up doing that right off Peoria in Sun Valley,' " he said. "They asked if I wanted to do it. There wasn't even a screenplay, there was nothing, but I was like ...'F–– yeah, I want to do it!' "
sucks. I liked a bunch if his work. He did some good things for our community, and charities too. R.I.P.
While I'm not a fan of his I do feel its sad anytime someone passes. That being said they had to be flying for that car to be damaged that badly. Driving like that on public roads is just dumb and asking for trouble. Glad innocent people weren't hurt or killed.
I didn't think he was that bad at all. He was cheesy but those were extremely cheesy movies (which I loved). Vin diesel and the rest were just as cheesy. It's sad to see him go.
And the Abe vagoda thing is getting wore out.
12/1/13 8:09 a.m.
dankspeed wrote:
While I'm not a fan of his I do feel its sad anytime someone passes. That being said they had to be flying for that car to be damaged that badly. Driving like that on public roads is just dumb and asking for trouble. Glad innocent people weren't hurt or killed.
Exactly! I posted something like that, but even more P.C. on FB and there's some dood jumping down my throat "like you never speed on public streets" and all that. Chill out man. The driver (not him) was driving like an idiot. That happens. And yes, to me the most important thing is he didn't take out some hard-working dad on his way home to see his kids or something like that.
Now before someone on here jumps on my back to say I'm a jerk or something, it sucks he died and it really sucks for his family.