mndsm wrote:
... activist minorities ...
To be a bit critical... I think you should revers those words. It's not the "activist minorities" that are the problem, it's the "minority activists".
There is no more a monolithic "Black Culture", "Hispanic Culture", "Asian Culture", or "Middle Eastern Culture" than there is a "White Culture". It is not whole minorities who are the problem. It is the crazy, stupid people within each of those groups who see people a bit different from them and lump a whole mess of people together because they kinda look the same.
My experience is that Black folks and White folks from the South share more in common culturally than Southern White folks share with a Northern California Whitey like me. Similarly, I probably share more in common with a NorCal Asian or NorCal Hispanic.
9/10/13 9:17 p.m.
Fair enough. More for me- it's the point I've been tagged (quite personally) for simply being the white guy, and minority activism has deemed it proper to make me a pariah. Long story for another time.
This whole time I've been blaming 'the man'. Turns out its damn PB and J sammiches keeping me down.
Spoolpigeon wrote:
This whole time I've been blaming 'the man'. Turns out its damn PB and J sammiches keeping me down.
It's that WHITE bread holding in the BROWN peanut butter and RED jelly. Suppressing it.
9/10/13 9:25 p.m.
I'll go ahead and ask since I'm about to flounder this bitch anyhow- When are we gonna see apple pie declared racist?
Is watermelon racist too?
9/10/13 9:35 p.m.
Trans_Maro wrote:
Is watermelon racist too?
Only when it's paired with grape soda. (both of which are delicious. Purple's one of the best flavors out there)
Beer Baron wrote:
Spoolpigeon wrote:
This whole time I've been blaming 'the man'. Turns out its damn PB and J sammiches keeping me down.
It's that WHITE bread holding in the BROWN peanut butter and RED jelly. Suppressing it.
the only proper jelly is purple in color..
In reply to novaderrik:
Get out of here you racist. Strawberry jelly has equal rights too you know.
Honestly I see all this as a non-issue, where too many like-minded people are gathered together and make stupid rules because there are no voices of reason nearby. In this case overly PC white folks most likely. Same is true of Texas school board rewriting science and history books, it's just a different group of people doing it.
So telling SWMBO to fix me a PB&J is now misogynist AND racist?
How will I carry on with all this white male guilt? 
Racer1ab wrote:
So telling SWMBO to fix me a PB&J is now misogynist AND racist?
How will I carry on with all this white male guilt?
Drown your sorrows in food. How a bout a nice sandwich?
It's only misogynist if you say "sudo make me a sandwich" though.
Spoolpigeon wrote:
In reply to novaderrik:
Get out of here you racist. Strawberry jelly has equal rights too you know.
strawberry jelly is an abomination that must be eradicated.
Knurled wrote:
Racer1ab wrote:
So telling SWMBO to fix me a PB&J is now misogynist AND racist?
How will I carry on with all this white male guilt?
Drown your sorrows in food. How a bout a nice sandwich?
It's only misogynist if you say "sudo make me a sandwich" though.
unix commands are racist!
Is it racist that I had a PBJ tortilla today?
Ojala wrote:
Is it racist that I had a PBJ tortilla today?
you wrecked the purity of so many things...
9/10/13 10:20 p.m.
You mean to tell me all the time I spent fixing PB & J sandwiches to eat as a child, I was being indoctrinated by the racist oppressive dominant culture? I just thought my parents were being cheap azz cause it cost less than keeping me stocked with bologna.. (thanks Oscar Mayer). As I've said before, in my wildest dreams I couldn't make up some of the stuff that passes for news these days. Sometimes, a sandwich is just a sandwich..
06HHR wrote:
I just thought my parents were being cheap azz cause it cost less than keeping me stocked with bologna.. (thanks Oscar Mayer).
Ground cow lips are for the rich!!
It doesn't really matter about pb&j sandwiches anyway around here. Ever since one kid was allergic to peanuts they are banned from most schools.
9/10/13 10:30 p.m.
mad_machine wrote:
meanwhile in the real world.. we have students graduating who can't do anything themselves because they were never taught how to think for themselves.
I just spent two days working at the Atlantic City Convention Center and got quite a few Kudos from the conventioneers we were working with (if I can brag) and some of my fellow stagehands were -very- green. I am talking just dropped out of HS and went to work green.
One young man I was trying to show the ropes to. He seems eager to learn and willing to work hard.. but wow does he not know a thing. When I ran off to the restroom for a few minutes, I was told he sorta walked around lost until I came back.
But we have to worry if PB&J is racist or not....
This is so true, when I was a kid, I wasn't a rocket scientist but I could think my way out of a paper bag. These kids don't know anything, if it ain't on TV or Facebook, many of them don't know it exists.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
By Portland Public Schools? Or maybe just one school within the district.
Seriously? What the hell is the problem with people?
So is this like the where's the outrage posts? Because this was from a year ago.
9/10/13 10:49 p.m.
novaderrik wrote:
Beer Baron wrote:
Spoolpigeon wrote:
This whole time I've been blaming 'the man'. Turns out its damn PB and J sammiches keeping me down.
It's that WHITE bread holding in the BROWN peanut butter and RED jelly. Suppressing it.
the only proper jelly is purple in color..
I like to mix it up a bit and sometimes use apple jelly but I always use wheat bread. So, I'm embracing the brown and the yellow.
Then I go and enjoy it with some whole milk. You know, pure white power.
kazoospec wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
By Portland Public Schools? Or maybe just one school within the district.
Seriously? What the hell is the problem with people?
Apparently they had a half mil of the taxpayer's money and couldn't think of a way to spend it. Believe it or not, government agencies, schools included, often think the worst thing they can possibly do is not spend every dollar that's allotted to them because then the next year they may not get as much coin. Or they really think PB&J is a sign of racism. Either is equally ridiculous in my book.
Actually, governments and corporations work the same way. If you do not spend -all- the money in your yearly budget, they will assume you did not need that much and will deduct that amount from the forthcoming budget.
It is one of those perverse times where being frugal hurts you.