I know, cart before the horse and all that, but, I have down time so I'm researching.
Pending any more problems, the house we're getting has a dual fuel boiler, well, trifuel if you wanna be specific. Oil burner connected to a coal/wood stove.
That tells me it's old. I don't know how old, but I'm guessing old enough that replacing it will be part of the 10 year plan, at the very least to boost efficiency ratings.
So I've been looking at LPG, NG, and Oil burning boilers, and took a quick side trip to find out that pellet fueled boilers are a thing.
From older forum posts elsewhere, 2009-2013ish, I'm seeing almost double pellet usage than I currently have at this house with a pellet stove. BUT, I'm seeing $3//gallon heating oil and several fillups per season of the 275 gallon tank according to the locals.
Cost wise it might wind up a wash, I haven't mathed it out entirely yet, but looking down the road at a replacement or upgrade, would it make sense to conisder a wood pellet boiler?
They seem to be on par with gas and oil boilers price wise, I haven't seen anything special related to fill up other than some have vacuum feeding from a stock room, and some take bags like I'm used to. 80+% efficency ratings make them on par with low budget gas and oil boilers of similar BTU output.
Negating the buy in price, even if i doubled my pellet comsumption with a boiler vs the stove I have now, I'm only looking at around $1300/year for heat, where that would be 2 of the 4 oil tank fillups I would use every year. So big savings right away.
So does anyone have one, or installed them, or maintained them in the past 10ish years? Anyone with firsthand experience compared to gas or oil burners?