Monsters. I’m stuck at Sna trying to get a flight back to msp but they can’t roll the plane because the holding tank inlet pipes are clogged and you can’t fly over 3 hours without 2 functional poopers on the plane.
Dont worry. A Mechanic is coming from lax with the right parts to fix it.
Go go ahead mr flushable wipe user. Enjoy your clean bum. While I suck down $15 beers at the airport bar.
Happy friday
There's the part of the job which was the primary driver in not wanting to work in commercial aviation. Oh the stories I could tell from that stint.
I design water and wastewater treatment systems for a living, so I have a lot of contact with municipal public works personnel. They hate those things, they're always clogging up wastewater lift stations - especially if the lift station is downstream of a daycare center or rest home.
Don’t forget SNA has a 10pm departure curfew......
5/18/18 4:49 p.m.
I always remember why I never put my plumbing training to use and went hvac instead.
So much less E36 M3 to deal with.
Different but poop related.
A buddy is a diesel mechanic. Truck rolls in with a three man team. They drive 8 hour shifts and keep that truck going 24/7. In order to save time these enterprising fellows cut a "latrine" in a corner of the sleeper, and just went when they had to. Truck rolls into the shop, covered in E36 M3, and these guys don't see the problem. Shop manager came out and told these guys (who didn't really have the best grasp on english) to get in their truck and not to come back. Most days I am glad I didn't decide to jump on the diesel tech bandwagon after high school.
E36 M3ty situation 
I got stuck at MSP last June because the plane was apparently missing a sticker on one of the exit rows. Or at least that's what they told us. It had already been a very long day at that point and I was extremely irritated that the situation couldn't be resolved with a printer and some clear packing tape, but I'm sure some FAA rule likely prevented that from being a viable solution.
And the whole wet wipes deal really chaps my ass. You're a grown ass adult, your royal hynie doesn't need to be gently cressed like that of a baby. Use the 80 grit stuff like the rest of us do and stop berkeleying up the plumbing.
I’m trying to picture someone doing the “walk of shame” down the isle with a pack of baby-wipes.
Edit: Obviously a woman is responsible for this travesty.
A double of templeton rye has made life better.
poopshovel again said:
I’m trying to picture someone doing the “walk of shame” down the isle with a pack of baby-wipes.
Edit: Obviously a woman is responsible for this travesty.
Seriously? What about these men designing airplanes that can be rendered useless by a wet nap? 
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
I work in aviation. Lots of women In our engineering ranks. Lots of women at Boeing and Airbus.
I thought the smiley would be a giveaway that my comment was in jest. Perhaps I needed a second one. 

In reply to EastCoastMojo :
It’s good.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine :
I'm sitting at IAH across from the bar at the terminal wishing I bought more money with me. Enjoy your beverages.
Nick Comstock said:
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine :
I'm sitting at IAH across from the bar at the terminal wishing I bought more money with me. Enjoy your beverages.
What, too proud to put out?
It's enough of a problem that the UK is considering an outright ban:
In reply to RX Reven' :
I got these cheese burgers.
Wheels up scheduled for 7:45 pm now. A full 5:45 past scheduled take off. May need equipment and crew change to make that happen. This don’t work I’m staying the night.
Horrible. I throw them out whenever I find a pack at work. They’re one of the few things that can clog our high pressure flush toilets. Those and tampons. Seriously we have a nice little stainless trash can for you to use permanently mounted right there. It’s almost harder to put them in the toilet. Don’t be a jerk.
Ahh the life of a landlord. People feel bad for coming and telling me a toilet is clogged but I’m grateful since I need to get it unclogged asap!
5/18/18 7:50 p.m.
But they feel sooooooo good after a plate of blazin wings. Learned that when u ran out of tp mid wipe and pre potty training.
Great news everyone. I’m not going home tonight.
Hold the phone. Rebooked on red eye out of lax. Fun.
As somebody with an intestinal issue that makes me take multiple trips a day to the restroom.. wipes can be a real godsend if you do not like tearing the skin off your butt. Now that I found bidet toilet seats, I have little use for them.
As an IBS sufferer they’re a lifesaver. I’ll go buy my own gas-powered pipe snake if that’s what it takes to keep using them.
Nobody cares what they dump in other peoples turlets.