One of my best friends wrote this several days ago. I believe that he is pretty much right on point with his obsevations and comments. He and I raised a little bit of hades with our teachers in 7th grade by reading The Gulag Archipeligo by Solzhenitzyn. If you have not read it I recommend that you do.
In another discussion here there was a quote about both ruling parties working together to stay in power and rob the country, this is pretty much how I see it as well. It is our responsibility to leave this land of ours a better place than it was when we arrived here.
The following is what my friend wrote. I have put it here with his permission, I have removed his name and E-mail address.
Let's just pretend that Rupert Murdoch sent you this email. He probably won't go to jail for illegal wire-tapping which, in Newspeak, is somehow called "phone-hacking".
When the Bolsheviks murdered at least 40 million people over at least four decades (not to mention their comrades in China who bested them with about 50 million—maybe a few less, who knows the exact figure?), every sapient observer learned to mistrust them and their many eager western helpers, and began to see through their various synthetic Hegelian political ruses, especially those done here in the USA with the help of the Mockingbird press. Even if it bothers a few folks, I will keep speaking out against communism; "communitarianism"; Agenda 21; &c; and the crafty, well-funded contemporary apparatchiks who propound those bankrupt ideas (Fox News, NPR, &c).
Thirty years ago a friend told me about his reading of Solzhenitsyn's book The Gulag Archipelago. If you have not read Solzhenitsyn's works yet, please do. It was a "wake up call" for me then and since. Read everything you can from this man who survived the worst of Soviet communism and lived to write about it cogently, thoroughly and presciently. I do not want to see the USA become the USSR but I see it coming on pretty hard over the last decades, mainly because grown men have spent many more hours eating cheetos, drinking diet-soda and watching NFL than studying the roots of their nation's tradition of speaking up for and fighting for liberty and good old-fashioned Liberalism, not the faux modern kind. Don't let the women off the hook either: they were watching Oprah and shopping and slacking, too. At least the women had their families in mind while they were shopping.
My only regret is that I have been so damnably chicken-hearted about this matter. I should have spoken up much more vehemently long ago. I knew better but didn't want to "offend anyone's sensibilities". Our government has been taken over by corrupt fascist communist malefactors. They can now—in accord with the NDAA of 2012 that we just let our congressional representatives pass into law—come and take you or me away, hold us for months or years, and even just kill us outright. Study and advocate for the Constitution and you may be suspected of being a "terrorist". Keep two weeks of food in your pantry—suspected terrorist. You are all on a list because you received emails from me since I have been shooting my mouth and pen off about liberty and the Constitution for many years now. You were probably on a list already anyhow only because you are real men. Basically, this situation is awful and any man who loves freedom has now to raise his voice against it or just reconcile with being a chump who puts up with some degree of slavery. I will not be a slave, nor will I be subject to any kind of tyranny, even the soft nice easy kind. No way.
I do not suggest we take up arms or harm anyone. I never have advocated any kind of violence or even main force, including violence with words. I do suggest we start raising our voices loudly, peaceably, reasonably and with forceful repetition. Please make your own holy ruckus in your own intelligent way. Call your Congress-critter, as I did yesterday: his phone-talker immediately admitted to straight-up Geneva Conventions crimes: it was truly astonishing to call my Congressman and have his secretary admit to treason and war crimes within one minute of polite speech. We hanged Japanese military officers for the war-crime of "water-boarding" our captured WWII soldiers, yet you can now call your congressman and his receptionist will quickly tell you she agrees with this same practice. Wow.
We have more power than we might know. I can attest that the congress-critters and their staffers are a bunch of lazy mentally-limited sissy-babies who would fit in nicely in Soviet Russia, but cannot hold a candle to the bright flame of true yankee liberty. They are the real chicken-hearted cowards. Until they learn what our Constitution is about, and what the spirit of real liberty is about, they can forever bow down and recite the communist manifesto as they kiss my FREE, LIBERTY-LOVING ASS.
Sorry if that hurt anyone's feelings.