So I planted about 300 bulbs last fall, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and alliums. There are lots of rabbits around, but something was eating daffodils down to the ground. Bites were too big for rabbits, but I thought deer would not be so bold. Was looking outside this morning and this doe came running into my yard, and I mean running at full trot. I was actually kind of shocking. It stopped and hung around long enough for me to grab my phone and get a few pics through the window. Pretty cool anyway.

4/23/15 9:37 a.m.
That doe will taste even more delicious after eating your flowers. Just sayin'.
By Chance? But your name is Matt!
And having lived in NJ, and visited the Poconos in PA, I can tell you that deer, once they've become familiar with human contact, can be unbelievably bold. They get up on the front porch at my parents house to get a better angle on the rhododendrons planted near the house. Where hunting is not permitted, their only natural enemies are automobiles, disease, and starvation.
4/23/15 10:04 a.m.
In reply to 1988RedT2:
That must be his nom de plume, or nom de filme in this case.
First it was Glamour Shots by Deb, now it's Nature Shots by Chance.
The deer have destroyed my garden the last few times I planted it (right next to the woods). So last year I planted the tomatoes next to my deck, three feet from the bay window of a breakfast area. They didn't give a E36 M3. They would even pull over the cages to get to the tomatoes. Its usually a doe and two fawns. A neighbor two doors down says when she leaves for work early, they look a like herd of cattle in our front yards.
a lacrosse stick, lacrosse ball and well placed shot will take care of that problem.
That's not by chance, that's by invitation.
Dump your coffee grounds in the flower bed. And piss there occasionally.
Or shoot the berkeleyer and make venison jerky.
In reply to 1988RedT2:
Not bold, just stupid, I've come across some in similar areas where you have to bump them with the car to get them out of the road. You can hand feed them. I could probably kill one with a pocket knife and a piece of candy.
This is a deer by chance.... probably still one of my favorite pictures of all time.

4/23/15 12:37 p.m.
In reply to Klayfish:
Whenever I see this photo, I hear that deer saying "But I love you..." in the creepiest way possible.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
In reply to 1988RedT2:
Not bold, just stupid, I've come across some in similar areas where you have to bump them with the car to get them out of the road. You can hand feed them. I could probably kill one with a pocket knife and a piece of candy.
Around here the geese are getting that bad. We have a pair that apparently nest along a stream beside the drive to our building every year. Bastards will stand in the road and dare you to touch them.
I don't really have any problems with deer or rabbits. Any gardening I do is strictly ornamental and I have a tendency to over plant. One of the reasons I started doing it was to draw in more birds and insects/pollinators so I can't really complain that it draws animals. This moth was a cool one from last year. After more than three years, there haven't been deer so close that I have seen so it was just cool.

We had a fawn that lived under our back porch for about a year. We never fed it and it hung around. I put it down when she got to big to handle since she was dangerous at that point to the kids. She would hear my car coming after work and come bounding through the field to the driveway and wait by the mailbox for me to get the mail and rub her snout. Weirdest thing ever.