I just got back from my follow up from my MRI. Nothing shown on the electrical tests, nothing shown on X-Ray and now nothing shown on MRI. They probably think I am making it up, but I have a "crick" in my neck that will not go away and numbness all the way down to my fingers on the left side. I would just ignore it, but I can't sleep at night because of it. But I am glad that I am not in a lot of pain.
Good luck, I hope they give a better diagnosis!
5/2/14 12:14 p.m.
zheng gu shuiThe chinese doctor that was friends with my dad would give out this stuff. I order it by the case now and give it away to friends with pains. really seems to settle down nerves letting the muscle rest.
Try the cold pack. Worked wonders for my low back pain. It shouldn't hurt to try. 1 layer of towel between pack and skin. Be careful not to freeze the skin. Give it half an hour. My doc suggested heat and specifically said he didn't think cold would help. But it did. A lot. I have a hot disc, already had the epidural steroid which helped some, for awhile. Yesterday, I was in agony and a neighbor who is a physical therapist said: "The pain is from inflamation. Slap some ice on it." I'm convinced.
Good luck to you.
5/2/14 8:21 p.m.
Sky_Render wrote:
Lesley wrote:
I thought disc for sure, but the emerg doc said no. Getting really sick of this, my freaking tricep is vibrating.
I would bet $5 you have a herniated disc or three. I just went through this exact thing. Are you having numbness in your arm?
Take 2 over the counter Aleve twice a day. You can stack that with Tylenol-3 at night if you need help sleeping.
Apply ice on the back of your neck for 20 minutes at a time. This will help with the swelling of your bulged/herniated disc that is pushing on your nerves back there and making you feel pain that doesn't actually exist.
Go to Sears and get one of those foam pillows with the dip in the center. That will keep your spine straight and help with the pain and healing process.
Those are the symptoms, yes. I tried lying flat on the floor, it was like backing into an electric fence. Been doing the ice/heat thing.
Ibuprofen just wasn't enough to dull the pain. The Tylenol 3s work, but ugh, the side effects are just horrible.
Try the asprin tylenol cocktail it is better than a hit of morphine without dulling your senses.
I have serious arthritis and this combo allows me to function somewhat normally.
cdowd wrote:
zheng gu shuiThe chinese doctor that was friends with my dad would give out this stuff. I order it by the case now and give it away to friends with pains. really seems to settle down nerves letting the muscle rest.
Is that the active ingredient in Tiger Balm? I have used some Tiger Balm patches and they worked much better than any other hot patches I've tried.
5/2/14 11:36 p.m.
I'll try the aspiring/tylenol thing.
Tiger Balm is nice stuff.
I've been using horse liniment. :-)
It sounds like what my dad had in his neck about 25 years ago. They ended up putting a couple pieces of bone into his neck to keep the vertebrae apart. He was laid up for about 5 months but has been pretty much pain free since.
As far as the pain goes we've been trying all kinds of things on the wife and depending on which nerve it is it can be tough to control. She has been seeing an acupuncturist and a chiropractor for most of it, a dose of cimbalta, and for her leg they've done the nerve blocker. One of the docs at her hospital suggested a TENS machine so we picked one up off Amazon for $35. Aside from the poorly translated instructions it seems to be working well.
Lesley wrote:
I'll try the aspiring/tylenol thing.
Sounds like you need some Goodies. Not a fan of Tylenol, but Goodies work extremely well. Mrs Woof has really bad cramps, and says it's the only thing that works.
I had dental surgery a few years ago, and the doctor was going to prescribe some pain killers. I asked for Ibuprofen instead of Acetaminophen. It was him that said Acetaminophen wasn't a very good painkiller, and Ibuprofen was much better. I had to agree, because Tylenol doesn't usually do much for me.
5/4/14 12:42 a.m.
I think it's the codeine that's really doing the trick, because normally Tylenol isn't that great for pain.
Cdowd is right,Zheng Gu Shui is amazing stuff. I just used the last of mine. Chris, do you have another bottle?
If you were in South Carolina, I would have you swing by the office with the xrays and mri results. The pains you are describing come from nerves with their roots/origins in your neck. Typically this is the C5 to C7 region. With "clear" xrays and an mri; this would traditionally be considering a non-complicated case.
This is by no means a diagnosis, just a little GRM sharing from my professions (anatomy professor and chiropractor).
If you are in Los Angeles check out LA Sport and Spine, Craig Liebenson. He sorta wrote the book on rehabilitation of the spine.
PS feel free to pm me if you want to
With Rob Ford in rehab there should be surplus pain relievers floating around up there.
For me, nothing touches the pain. My best hope with a back episode are muscle relaxers. Pain meds dont work and make me feel whacked out. If an option give physical therapy a try.
My mom who is 70, recently had neck surgery. She fell off a horse or two in her lifetime. No disc issue, but had bone spurs, that developed symptoms like yours. She had a very rapid decline. A year ago, she pulled in every piece of wood burned for primary heat in Vermont. She got so bad within the year she could barely lift a newspaper. They explored a lot of issues like MS and such because the motor loss was so severe. Turns out the bone spurs pinched nerves causing all kinds of short circuits. Her surgery was crazy, but it fixed it.
Short term, maybe try hanging out in the pool and see if that relieves pressure.