aussiesmg wrote:
Why Glock?
There's nothing wrong with the Why Glock article, but it's just one man's opinion on what gun he favors. How can he be wrong? The gun for him is the Glock. The real point of the article is that choosing a firearm is about finding what works best for YOU.
1988RedT2 wrote:
aussiesmg wrote:
Why Glock?
There's nothing wrong with the Why Glock article, but it's just one man's opinion on what gun he favors. How can he be wrong? The gun for him is the Glock. The real point of the article is that choosing a firearm is about finding what works best for YOU.
lol do you know who that one man is?
Sort of like saying Ayrton Senna's opinions on driving are just one man's opinion.
1988RedT2 wrote:
But can she reliably rack the slide? It's hard to argue against the simplicity of a revolver. A Taurus .38 would be a sensible choice, but let her try handling several guns and let her choose.
She didn't seem to have any trouble racking the slide on a Kimber 1911 and she didn't have have much trouble with a Judge.
I personally don't like Glocks but this isn't for me so I will try to keep an open mine.
93EXCivic wrote:
1988RedT2 wrote:
But can she reliably rack the slide? It's hard to argue against the simplicity of a revolver. A Taurus .38 would be a sensible choice, but let her try handling several guns and let her choose.
She didn't seem to have any trouble racking the slide on a Kimber 1911 and she didn't have have much trouble with a Judge.
Then she should try an H&K USP .40
It is possibly the finest shooting auto I've ever fired etc. It is balanced perfectly, easy to break down and clean, and can be carried cocked and locked safely. Also convertible in case of lefty issues.
Best bet is to go to a range and let her shoot several weapons to find what fits her best.
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
Oh right I completely forgot about that she is a lefty.
93EXCivic wrote:
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
Oh right I completely forgot about that she is a lefty.
H&K and SIG can both be ordered already configured that way.
What about Taurus? Are they available as a leftie?
If she decided on a shotgun, are Mossbergs any good?
My girl carries a S&W. They have a lady line with smaller frames for smaller hands.
380 LCP or better a Sig Sauer P238
11/30/11 8:53 p.m.
aussiesmg wrote:
lol do you know who that one man is?
Sort of like saying Ayrton Senna's opinions on driving are just one man's opinion.
There's more than one expert out there. Col. Jeff Cooper, who knew a few things about defensive shooting, liked the 1911 (and for the record, I do too). Doesn't make either one of them right in this situation. Glock makes a quality firearm, but saying it's the only choice is pretty nearsighted.
H&K USP is a great gun, but has a huge frame and could be a problem for those with big hands. My bedstand gun is a USP45, and I love it, but it's quite bulky. The USP compact might be right for her, though.
Revolvers are fine, but get something with at least a 4-inch barrel. No reason to get a snubby if it's not being carried, and you'll get better velocity out of the longer barrel.
Not a fan of the Taurus Judge. The .410 looks cool when it blows up watermelons , but doesn't offer much penetration. The .45 Long Colt, which the Judge can also fire, offers a ton more power (44 Magnum territory), but not as much watermelon wow factor.
.380 doesn't offer much penetration, either. It's great for concealment, but since that's not a factor, I think a 9mm or larger weapon is a much better choice.
take the gf to a gun shop that has a range. they can prolly narrow the fit down at the counter, let her sort the rest out on the range. she may not know what's right for her till she fires it
Um I feel like a .38 offers enough penetration to take down a man.
scottgib wrote:
fasted58 wrote:
take the gf to a gun shop that has a range. they can prolly narrow the fit down at the counter, let her sort the rest out on the range. she may not know what's right for her till she fires it
Yeah I think we are going to go to the local gun shop and try some out.
11/30/11 9:09 p.m.
93EXCivic wrote:
Um I feel like a .38 offers enough penetration to take down a man.
If you're responding to me, I said .380 auto, not .38 special. It's not as if I'd want to be shot with a .380, but there are many better choices available.
Will wrote:
93EXCivic wrote:
Um I feel like a .38 offers enough penetration to take down a man.
If you're responding to me, I said .380 auto, not .38 special. It's not as if I'd want to be shot with a .380, but there are many better choices available.
Oh right I was thinking .38 Special. I hadn't really thought about .380 auto.
The people I know that have used a gun (very few) in an actual live situation say caliber doesn't much matter you start shooting at someone and they don't stick around. Most days I pocket carry a keltec .32. (the little gun that is also chambered in .380, which is the gun that Ruger ripped off for there LCP).
Will wrote:
Glock makes a quality firearm, but saying it's the only choice is pretty nearsighted.
Actually I clearly stated that was my opinion, and having an opinion does not make someone nearsighted, it just is my opinion.
Here is my quote, in case you missed it before passing judgement
aussiesmg wrote:
Not the prettiest weapon but IMHO the only carry gun worth its salt is the Glock.
Anyone know anything about the Taurus 24/7?
You might investigate The High Road forums or The Firing Line forums for lots of opinions on your original question.
So far as Glocks are concerned, there seems to be too much of the old "Ford vs. Chevy" arguing about them for me to form much of an opinion. I've shot them & liked them OK but I've never owned one.
Personally, if she needs one where she lives then move her to a different part of town where she wouldn't need one. That's my opinion. Says the guy that has over a dozen firearms in his house.
Not much on pistols though, most of my pistols are 22 and the rest are 45 cal black powder. I mostly have rifles that does include a shotgun. Something about operating that slide on that 870 that just sounds menacing.
I have a revolver and a semi and my preference for ease is a semi. But the 357 is a nice choice. Hefty enough to scare, light enough to handle easily, shoots 357 that has stopping power but will also shoot 38 for less kick and expense. I do like my 22mag revolver, hold 9 rounds in the cylinder. But actually it's like M2Pilot says, lots of opinions and all are right and wrong. Take a trip to the Gander Mountain store to see what they have in pink.
Oh, that pic above was caused by overloaded ammo not by being a Glock. Seen the pics and the report. Chinese ammo.
In reply to wlkelley3:
I was going to check out Larry's. I am going to have her look at the Taurus 24/7. It fires .40 S&W which I know she has shot and it is ambidextrous. Not in pink though.