After a really just bad week of having a clogged sewer line, the dog ripped his claw and required an emergency vet visit, and just a horrible week at work, I get the latest copy of GRM in the mail so the weekend starts to look up. Turn to page 34 and gee that picture looks familar. There's my girl Betty as the internet hot rod of the month. I know it's not the first time she has been in the mag but it's the first time in my ownership with my picture. 
Thanks for the pick me up to start the weekend.
I know the feeling. I get giddy if I've made the Say What.
Dang it I just remembered that I think I need to re up my subscription. I got a letter from GRM about it but it did not have the ten year option on it so I put it in the “Round-To-It” pile on my desk.
On a good note I found $2,500 in one of my company accounts (side account I sweep money through for credit card payments) that I forgot about. Guess we are eating steak this weekend !!!
dean1484 said:
Dang it I just remembered that I think I need to re up my subscription. I got a letter from GRM about it but it did not have the ten year option on it so I put it in the “Round-To-It” pile on my desk.
On a good note I found $2,500 in one of my company accounts (side account I sweep money through for credit card payments) that I forgot about. Guess we are eating steak this weekend !!!
Exact same boat on the ten year. Got only two issues left. Gonna poke around the website for renewal. Wish I had the scratch for the Delta Wing.