Tonight going through the channels I stubled on their new show Wreck Chasers. Having worked for a company at the chasing in NY I was kind of interested. Turns out the show is completely staged. The accidents, the problems all of it. In half an hour the same red lumina is in three wrecks. In two hours only one car they picked up was worth the effort.
If the show is remotely real and they are really running the streets of Philly in crew cab Dodges and Super Dutys I could make a killing dusting off the old 454SS, refilling the bottle and blowing past them and their women trying to block the road in Tundras and Civics.
The funniest part of the show was the idiot getting bit by his own dog, but even that was a set up and he went to the hospital for little more than a papercut. Atleast the promos showed some promise as tomorrow I can see a woman who eats Comet cleanser ot the woman of the Cinncinati PD, neither is as hot as it sounds.
If the L in TLC stands for Learning, i would like to know what the lesson is that they are trying to teach.
I'm starting to think the T stands for "train wreck"... no matter how bad it is, you can't look away.
triumph7 wrote:
I'm starting to think the T stands for "train wreck"... no matter how bad it is, you can't look away.
It's true, they did suck me in for almost two hours of yelling at the tv
The fake reality shows really get to me. This show, Operation Repo, Auction Kings, Storage Wars, etc.
Pickers and Pawn Stars are a lot more tolerable, mainly because of Danielle's spectacular cans and the guys from Pawn Stars crack me up.
Give me a good COPS marathon any day over this stuff. Nothing like a good, old fashioned tazering and some dude yelling AWE36 M3AWE36 M3AWE36 M3 when being slammed into the concrete to make me laugh.
93gsxturbo wrote:
The fake reality shows really get to me. This show, Operation Repo, Auction Kings, Storage Wars, etc.
Pickers and Pawn Stars are a lot more tolerable, mainly because of Danielle's spectacular cans and the guys from Pawn Stars crack me up.
Give me a good COPS marathon any day over this stuff. Nothing like a good, old fashioned tazering and some dude yelling AWE36 M3AWE36 M3AWE36 M3 when being slammed into the concrete to make me laugh.
Ya know, in my own exact words to my wife, "she's kinda big, and kinda weird looking, but Danielle is hot!"
ANY channel that has a show with not 1 but 2 media whores as featured.....stars(?) isn't really worth watching now, is it. (Sarah Palin's Alaska)
I tried watching Storage Wars when I stumbled on it while channel flipping....IMHO, anyone connected with the "creation" of that show ripped off the "powers that be" at TLC.
Storage Wars isn't completely horrible, even tho' one of the bidders is a tad douchy. One dude's wife is totally hot with beautiful eyes, so there is that too.
as much as it's repetitive, and stage set a lot, I like Billy the Exterminator - seems just like a fun guy.
The TV producers don't have a lot of imagination. It seems like every channel has shows about storage lockers, pawn shops and antique pickers these days. A couple years ago it was all the flip this house / flip that house shows, and before that it was nonstop chopper buildoff shows.
By the way, Danielle from the American Pickers show is also a burlesque can find photos of her in costume if you look around a little. 
Bizarre Addictions FTMFW. I like my trash TV with a side of berkeleying insane.
+1 for the Danielle hawtness, and I'm usually not into the whole tattoed betty page lookalike contest 'zomg I'm a burlesque dancer and a roller-derby queen' thing. She's got wit and charm though, and that counts for a lot.
I killed my T.V. and I'm happier for it.
+1 on killing the TV. I'll still watch some football or boxing but these "reality" shows are all staged. I occurred to me that the show "cheaters" is also scripted and phony. Just think if you plant wire taps and hidden cameras without someones knowledge and use the footage it is illegal. You cannot record a phone conversation without someones permission unless you have a search warrant.
The only explanation for the popularity of these shows is that the viewers live vicariously through the show hosts/characters. Don't have the time, energy, or desire to do anything, let you favorite TV characters do it for you. My favorite is the Sons of Anarchy, I couldn't even watch an episode without turning it off. A soap opera by any other name is still a soap opera.
The Learning Channel isn't.
Hoarders is the only show they have that I can watch without puking in the back of my mouth out of disgust for how stupid TLC must think I am. Hoarders makes me puke in the back of my mouth just because its actually gross.
Reality show....a completely oxymoronic concept.
The only show of this type I watched....for a while was "Last Comic Standing". But it became obvious, after the 1st season, that the producers weren't looking for the BEST comedian, just the one that would guarantee folks would tune in until the last show. By the 2nd and 3rd "seasons" the hosts were also lacking in the comedy style area, so I gave up.
When you sort out TLC, someone 'splain me "Bubba's World" on Speed.
I must be the stoopidest SOB on the Planet, how is this anything like speedy?
93gsxturbo wrote:
The fake reality shows really get to me. This show, Operation Repo, Auction Kings, Storage Wars, etc.
Pickers and Pawn Stars are a lot more tolerable, mainly because of Danielle's spectacular cans and the guys from Pawn Stars crack me up.
Give me a good COPS marathon any day over this stuff. Nothing like a good, old fashioned tazering and some dude yelling AWE36 M3AWE36 M3AWE36 M3 when being slammed into the concrete to make me laugh.
Storage Wars, I thought you were surely jesting but the comments on it in following posts leads me to believe there is actually such a show. My goodness,E36 M3,berkeley!
4cylndrfury wrote:
Hoarders is the only show they have that I can watch without puking in the back of my mouth out of disgust for how stupid TLC must think I am. Hoarders makes me puke in the back of my mouth just because its actually gross.
"But if I throw away this 15 year old pumpkin, God will give grandma AIDS!"
stuart in mn wrote:
The TV producers don't have a lot of imagination. It seems like every channel has shows about storage lockers, pawn shops and antique pickers these days. A couple years ago it was all the flip this house / flip that house shows, and before that it was nonstop chopper buildoff shows.
By the way, Danielle from the American Pickers show is also a burlesque can find photos of her in costume if you look around a little.
I think I found some of these dancer pictures of Danielle and I do approve. Now back to your regular ranting..
We watched one episode of "Storage Wars." Guy had found an Isetta in a locker and took it by the Petersen Museum to have his friend, museum director Dick Messer, value it.
Found this odd, because Messer retired last spring. Does it really take 6 months to bring this dreck to the screen?
I was reading about a different show last night, and the difference between production, and airing was almost exactly 6 months.
TLC used to be one of my favorite channels. Not only can I not find a show I think is worth watching, but I don't see how they can justify calling themselves the learning channel anymore.
What exactly are we learning?
Zomby woof wrote:
I was reading about a different show last night, and the difference between production, and airing was almost exactly 6 months.
TLC used to be one of my favorite channels. Not only can I not find a show I think is worth watching, but I don't see how they can justify calling themselves the learning channel anymore.
What exactly are we learning?
Network Decay. I think it was covered in one of Fried Greed Corrado's posts a little while back.
With TV getting more unwatchable every day, at least I'm getting more done in the garage. So I guess there is an up side.
93gsxturbo wrote:
The fake reality shows really get to me. This show, Operation Repo, Auction Kings, Storage Wars, etc.
Pickers and Pawn Stars
I've never seen any of these shows, and I feel quite happy with that state of affairs. I'm too busy to keep up with the latest crop of celebrities. If you need me, I'll be in the garage, fabricating a hood to a datsun. 
4cylndrfury wrote:
Hoarders is the only show they have that I can watch without puking in the back of my mouth out of disgust for how stupid TLC must think I am. Hoarders makes me puke in the back of my mouth just because its actually gross.
Animal Planet had a marathon of episodes of Animal Hoarder yesterday...people with 200 cats or 75 dogs, that sort of thing. It's safe to say that Martha Stewart wouldn't approve of their housecleaning.