<---Didn't vote for either of the Socialists for prez, just thought this was kind of funny:
McCain was on Larry King the other night, and inevitably got the "Well, should something bad happen to you..." (Yes, I'm paraphrasing here. Don't get your berkeleying panties in a wad) "...do you REALLY think Governor Palin would be capable of running the country?"
To which McCain replied (something to the effect of:)
"You know, you Democrats elected your berkeleying Messiah, an unknown, inexperienced Governor/accused rapist from Bum berkeley Arkansas, and still to this day won't shut the berkeley up about how berkeleying wonderful he was, even though he got popped for shoving a cigar in some fat whore's entertainment center while he was supposed to be running the damned country, so why don't you shut the berkeley up with the "Is she really capable bullE36 M3, Larry."
...At least I'm pretty sure that's how it went. Just thought it was an interesting point. You go girl.
Wouldn't you love to have a 'crawl' across the bottom of the screen which would say what the speaker was REALLY thinking? 
I'd a damn sight rather Palin take over in the vent of McCain's incapacitation than for Biden to take over in the event of Obama's. I'll take her 'lack of experience' over Biden's 'I've managed to BS the populace this long' 'experience'.
11/4/08 3:17 p.m.
So, is this the standard argument that because he was morally reprehensible, he was therefore incapable of doing his job?
Clinton was morally reprehensible. He was also incredibly charismatic, eloquent, and charming. Possibly the best speaker we've had as President.
Neither of those traits say anything one way or the other about his policies, how well he did his job, or how capable he was.
I'm also a firm believer that "lack of experience" is a B.S. argument. If you have not been the VP or Secretary of State, no experience you have will prepare you to be president.
Edit: deleted my opinion about Biden. I'm going to try to just speak about politics and the presidency in general terms.
You'd rather have Hillary Clinton's mentally retarded, vote bait, stand-in running the country?
Well..she has seen Russia from her house. I guess that's qualification enough. After all, for R presidents you've got an ex "B" movie actor, a former cocain sniffing supposed ex-alcoholic bible beater in there now, and potentially a member of the Keating 5. Why not?

btw - Clinton was 8 years ago. Let. It. Go.
This ones' going to flounder hard, isn't it?
I suppose Clinton's nookie hunger and propensity to, er, be 'economical with the truth' was no worse than Churchill being a raging drunk (and no, Slick Wille ain't no Churchill!).
By the same yardstick employed above, Dick Nixon's power hunger which led him to lie to the American people should be glossed over because he got China to finally open up and also promised to end the Vietnam War. Somehow I don't think that's gonna happen.
Tim Baxter wrote:
This ones' going to flounder hard, isn't it?

I'd flounder her hard. (Practicing for my new career as a porn producer.) 
Dude, she ^ looks like she's 16! 
I guess you'll do fine in the porn business.
Finally, can you berkeleytards please STFU? Good god, ENOUGH with the political back/forth. No one will win the other over.
Hey, if Traci Lords could get away with it... 
Bill Clinton did raise Arkansas' public schooling system from the worst in the nation to 48th best during his time as Governer. So he wasn't all bad.
Hehe. I can't wait to see who won. I don't even care who wins! It's going to be exciting.
Jensenman wrote:
I suppose Clinton's nookie hunger and propensity to, er, be 'economical with the truth' was no worse than Churchill being a raging drunk (and no, Slick Wille ain't no Churchill!).
By the same yardstick employed above, Dick Nixon's power hunger which led him to lie to the American people should be glossed over because he got China to finally open up and also promised to end the Vietnam War. Somehow I don't think that's gonna happen.
Or President Cheney running his puppet regime through some lack jawed yokel that doesn't understand the statement "STFU or I will shoot your face off berkeleytard"?
fiat22turbo wrote:
Dude, she ^ looks like she's 16!
It's ok.. Jensenman lives in SC.. and he just voted to "no" to the delete the 14 year old age of consent from the state constitution. (it currently is 14)
She's 2 years experienced down here boss..
11/4/08 5:03 p.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
fiat22turbo wrote:
Finally, can you berkeleytards please STFU? Good god, ENOUGH with the political back/forth. No one will win the other over.
I voted for more flounder pics.
Well, the next step after that ^ would literally be to beat a dead horse.... or actually force it to have a heart attack.
Everyone knows about what happened with the "blue dress", but I've always wondered what happened to that cigar.
Talk about a National Icon!
And JFK liked movie stars, Eisehower had a female friend as did FDR. Did that make any difference as to their competence as president.?
11/4/08 9:08 p.m.
iceracer wrote:
And JFK liked movie stars, Eisehower had a female friend as did FDR. Did that make any difference as to their competence as president.?
I may be among the minority, but I think you've just named 3 not particularly constructive presidents.
Jensenman wrote:
I'd flounder her hard. (Practicing for my new career as a porn producer.)
Blue or Red..I agree with Jensenman on this post.