Anyone else find this media/meteorologist buzzword annoying? Don't you mean cold front?
It's like that word synergy used to replace teamwork or cohesion.
Anyone else find this media/meteorologist buzzword annoying? Don't you mean cold front?
It's like that word synergy used to replace teamwork or cohesion.
If you look up "synergy" in most dictionaries, there's a note that says it is often dismissed as business jargon. That makes me chuckle.
The meteorologist-turned-talk-radio-host down here said "We used to have a word for weather like this back in my day, we called it "winter"." and I couldn't agree more.
This is just like when the tornado in upstate new york was called a 'wind shear event'.
I like how the winter storms have names now. I am being sarcastic.
I also like how accurate the snow totals are. I am still being sarcastic.
DirtyBird222 wrote: It's like that word synergy used to replace teamwork or cohesion.
Every time I see synergy I just think of the synergic management solutions card in Cards Against Humanity which if you haven't played and you are a horrible person like me you should.
wvumtnbkr wrote: I like how the winter storms have names now. I am being sarcastic. I also like how accurate the snow totals are. I am still being sarcastic.
it's only the Comcast empire that is naming winter storms... so NBC, Weather Channel, etc. actually, i think they own the Syfy channel- the people that canceled Stargate and BSG to make room in the lineup for movies about tornadoes made of sharks- so it kind of all makes sense...
It got up to 24° here today, Saturday it will be 70°. So, does that mean we are on the back side of the Vortex now?
novaderrik wrote:wvumtnbkr wrote: I like how the winter storms have names now. I am being sarcastic. I also like how accurate the snow totals are. I am still being's only the Comcast empire that is naming winter storms... so NBC, Weather Channel, etc. actually, i think they own the Syfy channel- the people that canceled Stargate and BSG to make room in the lineup for movies about tornadoes made of sharks- so it kind of all makes sense...
Conspiracy? My Comcast Xfinity HDTV last night of the National Championship game. At least I got to watch the last 5 minutes of the game. It wouldn't have been so bad if I wasn't in the middle of a BF4 game on PC of my last night without the wife (coming home from her vaca). Or it was just such high def my brain or phone couldn't process the awesomeness.
wvumtnbkr wrote: I like how the winter storms have names now. I am being sarcastic. I also like how accurate the snow totals are. I am still being sarcastic.
Elect me as your leader, I will personally exterminate every piece of E36 M3 who names winter storm systems.......
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