At today's Irvine, CA Cars and Coffee:

I ended up behind him getting back on the highway. What an amazing sound! I can only imagine how terrifying it would be in the driver's seat. Even at 8 am on a Saturday, I-5 is quite busy. The top of 917 didn't even reach the top of an adjacent SUV's tires.
That is all.
That is awesome. Glad that you're enjoying your new home.
9/13/14 1:08 p.m.
Wow. That's amazing. Did you hear it run?
How exactly would one register such a thing?
9/13/14 2:20 p.m.
Are you sure it wasn't one of these?
WerksCars #917-0108 home-based in Ventura, CA.

oldsaw wrote:
Are you sure it wasn't one of these?
WerksCars #917-0108 home-based in Ventura, CA.
It has to be as the original is sitting in the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart as far as I know. I have been in 917 #23 once in my life when it was in the states for a exhibition
I saw a thread from 2010 where the same car was pictures without numbers. So, maybe replica?
Replica or not, it is still awesome!
Woody wrote:
How exactly would one register such a thing?
It has a serial number, yeah?
David S. Wallens wrote:
That is awesome. Glad that you're enjoying your new home.
Hard to hate life when these roads are just 20 miles outside of town:

Decker road hwy 23 - PCH to Mullholland hwy
Note: that is not me driving, and since I haven't completely watched all segments, I do not endorse what this person has or has not done on camera.
These roads between the PCH and highway 101 can be threaded back and forth for miles and miles. Hairpins, elevation changes, decreasing radius turns, stunning views, on- and off- camber pavement... And often a combination of them all, with much enjoyment at legal speeds. Compared to any of the driving that I have done in FL, these roads are so many orders of magnitude greater.
When I was in school, some buddies and I would take hours-long trips to farmland roads that had like 10 turns over 10 miles. 10 curves!
9/19/14 12:45 a.m.
Further proof that East Coast Cars and Coffee just sucks.
New money exotics and the usual musclecars. Never something that insane. That's amazing.
It's a kit/replica for sure. The real Le Mans winning 917 is safe in a museum, Porsche would never risk it by putting Cali plates on it and driving it around town.
9/20/14 7:35 a.m.
Yeah, I saw the original in Stuttgart.
Lesley wrote:
Yeah, I saw the original in Stuttgart.
I saw the original in California. Porsche brought it and a number of other significant cars to the Monterrey historics in 1998 when they were the featured marque and it was their 50th aniversary.
Your car says REPLICA on the side, whereas mine says Porsche 917.