NASA is hiring a "Planetary Protection Officer". Federal bennies and a $100K+ salary to go along with the best job title ever . . . except possibly "Chief Test Driver, Ferrari". Info here: coolest job ever
Bonus points if you show up for the interview like this: 
8/2/17 11:49 a.m.
In 2003-ish, my college roommate and I went to the Chicago Car Show. We walked past the Hummer booth and checked out the H2 chassis sitting there. Then a good looking woman who was working the booth came over and asked if we had any questions. Her name tag literally said "Heather - Hummer Specialist". We DID have questions, but decided that being escorted out of the car show was unnecessary and therefore we did not ask any of them.
I always thought she either had the best or the worst job title. Or at least name tag.
I have plenty of training in saving Earth with both space fighters and power-armor suits, I'll be a shoe-in! 
8/2/17 1:05 p.m.
Epic title, but being a regular Star Talk listener I know what it actually is. Unfortunately an A.S. in photography isn't what they are looking for.
I don't know, back in '02 I was the "Head Punch Technician"
That's the best job title I've ever seen.
At the end of Clerks II, watch the credits. Look closely and you will see Donkey Fluffer.
8/2/17 2:58 p.m.
I have been a professional beer tester before.
I have a business card from Nortel Networks that lists my title as The Man.
The company had a market cap of $200 billion at the time. That card got me into a lot of meetings I didn't belong in.
Best one I've had was back in the late 80's at Sikorsky where I had the title; Human Powered Helicopter Test Pilot
8/2/17 3:30 p.m.
I was a PIE. Process Improvement Engineer. They wanted to call it Specialist instead of Engineer. I said I would not take a job with that acronym.
When working at a National sporting goods store in college, I made it to department lead (bike dept). As I was the guy who onboarded newbies, I had unfettered access to the name badge engraver...if you know me, youd understand that was a BIG mistake.
I was
- "Guy: Applied Taser Based Corrections Specialist"
- "Manuel: Hands-On Apparel Fitment Analyst"
- "Vinz Clortho: The Keymaster" (Ghostbuster reference)
- "J. Jonah Jameson: Editor and Chief, Daily Bugle" (Spidermanreference)
There were others, but these are the specific ones I can remember. THere was definitely a period where I had a new one nearly every day I worked. I had gotten proficient enough with the engraver that I learned how to change the font size and spacing to make those long titles fit. I get bored easy. Dont judge.
8/2/17 4:18 p.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
When working at a National sporting goods store in college, I made it to department lead (bike dept). As I was the guy who onboarded newbies, I had unfettered access to the name badge engraver...if you know me, youd understand that was a BIG mistake.
I was
+ "Guy: Applied Taser Based Corrections Specialist"
+ "Manuel: Hands-On Apparel Fitment Analyst"
+ "Vinz Clortho: The Keymaster" (Ghostbuster reference)
+ "J. Jonah Jameson: Editor and Chief, Daily Bugle" (Spidermanreference)
There were others, but these are the specific ones I can remember. THere was definitely a period where I had a new one nearly every day I worked. I had gotten proficient enough with the engraver that I learned how to change the font size and spacing to make those long titles fit. I get bored easy. Dont judge.
I had a friend that worked Security for a large healthcare concern where i was employed. I had working master Yoda badges. I know how iy is.
I have hand lettered badges from Sam's Club
UPGREYEDD (Idiocracy reference)
8/2/17 7:10 p.m.
I worked in a steel mill during summer break in college. My formal job title was "Hooker". I worked with overhead cranes hooking up bundles of steel billets to load into train cars. Not a fun job, especially in the rain.
Keith Tanner wrote:
I have a business card from Nortel Networks that lists my title as The Man.
The company had a market cap of $200 billion at the time. That card got me into a lot of meetings I didn't belong in.
At a previous employer they let us put whatever we wanted for a title, so one of my coworkers went with "Goddess of Software Engineering". I still think she should taken "SENIOR Goddess of Software Engineering", but...
I tell people I'm a professional passenger. I teach driver education. I need business cards.
I worked on a produce farm in high school, and the entry level position was unofficially called "professional hoer" because you were give a hoe and sent to the fields to remove weeds. It was the boss's way to weed out those who did not want to work.
Keith Tanner wrote:
I have a business card from Nortel Networks that lists my title as The Man.
The company had a market cap of $200 billion at the time. That card got me into a lot of meetings I didn't belong in.
How many meetings did it get you into once Nortel's stock reached junk status? 
I nearly had Supreme Commander on my business cards...
Someone caught it before the it went out for printing.
I actually had the title/name tag of HONKEY once. No lie, i was the token white guy for equal opportunity.
Yes, it was a fitting title despite me being half Italian....
I had "Insert Title Here" on my business cards for a while, although I am pretty sure it was an error. Loved giving them out though.
My custom title badge at the hotel was "H.M.F.I.C".
Head motherberker in charge.
I'm kind of surprised that isn't more widely used.