On the corner of Madison Ave and E40th St in Manhattan there is a collection of Italian Bikes on display. My pictures are bad because of the glare from the plate glass windows the ones on the site are much better.

New Reader
4/3/15 10:32 p.m.
Nice!!! Moving offices to midtown next week looking forward to strolling by during lunch.
Dunno if it's still there but at least 5-6yrs ago a store in the mid 50's between 3rd and Lexington that always had a few newer Ducatis out front.
Best use of a vacant mall?

4/3/15 10:42 p.m.
Ever read the saga of that mall? Its actually really interesting, right down to the roving packs of wild.dobermans.
Squatter's paradise it was.
MV Agusta builds some beautiful bikes. The Barber museum had a couple on display, they are indeed works of art. Way out of my price range, though.
In reply to DanyloS:
I don't remember anything over there recently. Also in that area from time to time Sotheby's has some interesting displays at Madison and 57st. A few months ago they showing antique auto art and once in a while they will haves car on display in the lobby between them and Trump Tower.
how is the store "abandoned" if someone has bikes on display there?
it's not like they are applying stickers to the empty store windows to make it look like the area is thriving or anything like that..
It's not abandoned, it just doesn't currently have a business in it.
Wally wrote:
It's not abandoned, it just doesn't currently have a business in it.
someone is in the business of showing off their bike collection..
4/5/15 10:54 a.m.
Wally wrote:
It's not abandoned, it just doesn't currently have a business in it.
The bikes are for sale.
Call it a "gallery" or a "showroom", it's still a business.
Finally made a stop out to see these. More info here: Art of the Italian Two Whee - Stuart Parr Collection Apparently he was the producer of the movie 8 Mile and other films. The public is allowed inside a few days of the week for a few hours to walk around and get a closer look:

I'm going to have to try and stop there on lunch one day.
I'd get arrested for licking the glass.