prayers, thoughts, meditations, or whatever you do when you know of somebody in a life threatening situation.
One of my friends and co-workers took a life threatening spill at work. We have these bleachers for the crowds to sit on for concerts. We bring them in and assemble them before the show and take them down and store them afterwards.
While removing the decks, he put the one he was carrying in the pile to get taken down by the forklift and stepped backwards into thin air. 15 feet or so later, he landed on the back of his neck and head. When they took him out to the ambulance he was alternately passing out or throwing up.
Last I heard from a friend of a friend who works at the hospital, he has not regained consciousness and things are not looking good for any kind of recovery.
Tony is his name, he looks like an older and taller version of Snoop Dog and is one of those super nice and gentle people you can make you proud to have him call you a friend. Things like this always seem to happen to people like this
Will do. Hopefully he comes out ok.
4/13/15 11:02 a.m.
I wish the best of luck and medical science to him and his family and friends.
I am a praying man......I will pray for him.
Prayers for a good outcome!
Done, please keep us posted.
Good thoughts and best wishes for a full recovery to your friend Tony. He sounds like a good guy that deserves a bit of good karma...
I'll put him on the list.
Keep us posted.
sadly, I just got the news. They are going to remove him from life support this evening.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
So sorry to see this. Switching prayers, and deepest sympathies, to his family and friends.
Sorry to hear this 
Prayers of comfort for all . . .
I attended a funeral last Saturday and I mentioned to a guy how fragile life can be - two people also lost their lives earlier in the week from a tornado in Illinois.
It could be me this week; who knows? - a good reason to go and kiss your loved ones tonight.
My sympathies to this family.
Sorry to hear the latest update, I'll be praying for Tony's friends and family...
4/17/15 7:55 p.m.
What a shame. My thoughts are with you and his family.
4/17/15 8:11 p.m.
Very sad. So sorry to hear this.
Man that's a tough situation. I hate to hear this.
I know it's no solace to the friends and family but I have a story along these lines. Years ago my uncle fell backwards of of the top of a semi truck trailer, landing similar to the way you described. However he did not meet his fate that day. He struggled through years of painful rehabilitation, battled for years with severe addiction to narcotic pain killers, alienating most of his close family along the way, putting them through hell. Lost everything he had built up over a lifetime. Another tough situation.
Honestly, I'm not sure which is better.
So sorry to hear this, especially being a friend.