We recently had a cat adopt us, she's a cute little brown & black kittin. Just showed up in the yard one day, obviously housebroken, and kinda stayed around. She was malnourished, so we left food & water out on the patio for her, and just let her do her thing for a couple weeks, before eventually bringing her inside.
One night while she was still living on the patio, I had to run out to the garage for something. As I was walking out the door I stepped on something soft & mushy that made a squeak like a squeaky plush-toy...she'd left a mole for me. Yeah!
7/26/09 8:36 p.m.
Our first dog, Shelby, was a smaller golden. She wasn't the biggest or quickest, and far from the strongest dog out there. She was relatively puny among Goldens. But she was probably the smartest, and caught three chipmunks and a squirrel. When she was ten, she caught a grouse when we were on vacation. I wasn't there, she was staying with my grandparents--they got there a day ahead of us. If it had been me there, I would have given her the bird to eat. I was so proud of that dog.
Our new dog, Ralph, is a big dumb golden who is far to clumsy to catch anything, but when i came home the first night we had him (two months after shelby died, Ralph was a five year old rescue), he brought me a hat. It made me happier than I had been in a long long time.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I have this weird urge to eat a moth now.
LOL! We's in yr mine, makin u bring insek. Mices is nex, an den squrl.
The lolcat takeover's comeplete in your house, ECM...better find yourself a tinfoil hat... 
Mine brings me spiders. I hate it. So very much.
I had a buddy in high school who had an angry cat named "Furball," and another named "Cow." Seriously.
Cow was afraid of everything. It would run away from flies.
Furball killed something at least twice a day and brought them home. Robins, snakes, squirrels, chipmunks, rats, mice, lizards, frogs, it didn't matter.
His crowning moment was the day he brought home a raccoon though. A freaking raccoon. We were so flabbergasted, we had no idea what to do. It wasn't a HUGE raccoon, but it was easily the size of the cat that had killed it. And it was definitely the cat that had killed it. It's face was scratched to hell and back, had little cat-sized bite marks all over it, and it's throat was bitten wide open. The cat was covered in blood, pissed off, and yowling like a madman.
Afraid that the cat was dying or something, we quick washed it off. It had ONE scratch on it's hind leg. ONE.
I have no idea the how, the why, or what the hell happened, but it was kindof badass.
Our ferocious cat, DaVinci, brings home something at least once a week. Usually a field mouse, but bunnies, chipmunks and birds are also common.
The fat cat, Oscar, likes to pretend that DaVinci's kills are his own.
The Shih-Poo is a helluva good mouser. She's not as good as DaVinci, but she tries. The beagle won't go for a mouse. She wants squrirrels and rabbits, and is usually disappointed.
7/27/09 8:53 a.m.
We have an ancient ex-barn-cat named Jeff who has always been quite a hunter. When he was young he often brought home rabbits and squirrels larger than himself. More than once we've said "man, what are those birds so pissed off about?" just to see Jeff meander around the corner with one in his mouth. He would often leave us just the bits he didn't like, like the stomach or gall bladder or something. Thanks.
One day one of our previous cats, Kirby, was waiting patiently at the screen door, so we let him in. We noticed his mouth was closed, but looked a little funny. Just about the time we bent over to investigate, he proceeded to open up and dump a full size and very much alive cicada right in the middle of the living room floor. It immediately buzzed loudly and angrily and zipped in a big circle around the wood floor while we both screamed. The cat pounced on the cicada, we pounced on the cat, and unceremoniously chucked him and it right back outside.
Duke wrote:
We have an ancient ex-barn-cat named Jeff who has always been quite a hunter. When he was young he often brought home rabbits and squirrels larger than himself. More than once we've said "man, what are those birds so pissed off about?" just to see Jeff meander around the corner with one in his mouth. He would often leave us just the bits he didn't like, like the stomach or gall bladder or something. Thanks.
One day one of our previous cats, Kirby, was waiting patiently at the screen door, so we let him in. We noticed his mouth was closed, but looked a little funny. Just about the time we bent over to investigate, he proceeded to open up and dump a full size and very much alive cicada right in the middle of the living room floor. It immediately buzzed loudly and angrily and zipped in a big circle around the wood floor while we both screamed. The cat pounced on the cicada, we pounced on the cat, and unceremoniously chucked him and it right back outside.
I probably would have screamed, too. I have this thing against huge strange looking bugs that make strange noises, while serving no other purpose in live. Even if they ARE harmless.
June bugs, too. Once you get one caught in your hair, you'll be scarred for life, and is one of the reasons i shave my head now.
Lesley wrote:
Mine leaves pens, q-tips, socks, rubber bands etc. on my pillow for me. No live stuff that I've found yet.
Jenny, my old corgie once caught and killed a dove. How THAT happened, I have no idea. Jenny was so proud ...