I have a little electric pressure washer that works fine for what I do, never really thought about getting a gas-powered one. Then one day I see this at a Thrift Store:
Not with the hose and lance mind you. It's really small and cute, so I ask about it and the guy says "it works, how's $15?" I know it doesn't work, but $15 for a motor is too hard to resist.
I take her home and low and behold, she fires right up on the first pull. The spring returns on the carb are missing so it goes crazy and won't stop, but it runs. I try to test the pump but apparently, electric washer hoses are a different thread size. Dang, there goes the $15 dream.
So I invest in a decent hose, trigger and lance with tips from Amazon, figuring $60 is still a working pressure washer for $75. The first lance leaks like crazy, so I return it and get another one. This one seems to work well, but I am building no pressure. The pump might be toast.
But me being a GRM kinda guy, I buy a rebuilt kit for $25 and rebuild the pump. I also add the needed springs, change the oil in the motor and in the pump and clean the carbs. Call it another $25 investment.
It lives! For only $125! I now have a small, portable, pressure washer that I can use to clean stuff, or whatever. I did check Craigslist and I cannot find anything with a running motor, good pump and all accessories for under $175, so I wasnt too upset.
Until tonight.
Walking the dog, a neighbor has THIS at the curb. I know this guy, he discards rather than fixes. I have scored a few things over the years, including a PowerWheels Gator that cost me $12 to fix. Even if the motor AND pump are toast, it has a like-new hose, trigger, lance and nozzles. My guess is that he put it away wet last fall, and the carbs are gummed up. If I get it running, ONE of these is headed to CL to recoup my investment!