9/22/14 12:43 p.m.
My little welder has had a broken plastic piece for a couple of years. In the meantime I've been rigging it and making do. Finally, the half-assed fixes quit working. Ordered the part, got it in and spent an hour rebuilding it. Now works like new and kicking self for putting up with a half-working welder because it was something "I'll get around to".
My clothes dryer started making hoorible noises.... ...like a year ago.
Finally, the wife and I went and started looking at new dryers. $600+ just for a plain jane brand name new dryer. WTF!
Sooo, I said to my wife... Why don't we just fix it. She dug right in and found the broken part (fan wheel) and found teh part number. The next day she got the new part (and some wear items) for $50.00.
She reinstalled everything (with minimal help from me).
The dryer is quiet and works awesome! The dry times are now half as long!
Why didn't we do that a year ago?
9/22/14 1:32 p.m.
I may or may not have been known to make simple repair jobs seem much more complex while doing them, in order to justify the length of time I spent procrastinating on them. 
Duke wrote:
I may or may not have been known to make simple repair jobs seem much more complex while doing them, in order to justify the length of time I spent procrastinating on them.
This is Say What material. 
For about 2 years, I would lay in bed, wondering about the odd noise coming from the freezer in the basement, and then wondering why it seemed to run almost constantly. One night I climbed out of bed, pulled everything out of the freezer, found a Phillips screwdriver, took off a panel and found the little plastic fan blade had slipped down the shaft til it was hitting the body of the motor. Slipped it back up, reinstalled the panel, put the food back in, googled "Why do freezers run so much", discovered its normal for high efficiency stuff to run constantly, went to bed a slept like a baby- about 45 minutes after I had climbed out of bed to start the repair.
A couple of years later, it didn't take nearly as long for me to fix it when the same thing happened again.
I spent the past year trying to work on things in the garage without having any workbenches, and then putting off workbenches because I have other things that need to be done that would be done easier with workbenches.
Finally took care of the problem over the weekend with 16' of new benches.