With my Birthday today (thank you everyone!) I find myself with some "truck cash" and I have been considering buying a cover for the rear door mounted spare on my Rover.
The rim is clean and it is holding a brand new Geolander (great tyre, btw), but I think a cover adds a more finished look to any SUV with an external mounted spare, but I also do not want it becoming a "gunk trap" of anything that gets swirled back into it.
What does the hive mind say... yay or nay on a spare tyre cover and why?
I say yay. It will keep the sun from cooking the top of the tire.
Yes, just make sure to check for infilitration every now and again.
Bonus points for a cover with a fun logo

I don't run one, but that's mainly because I can't find one that fits on the tire. :D Stuff does get stuck in them, but if you like the look, go for it.
Yep it's better to deal with the gunk than the sun damage. If you can get a type that fits with a draw string and has a slit in the side, position it with the slit facing down and less crud will build up inside.
Tyres go on Rovers,Jaguars and other proper British Vehicles
My KJ had a nice cover. It had zippers.
Biggest problem is getting to it to check the tire pressure.
Go for it, your spare is in an exposed, fixed position and the sun will eventually do some damage to it, even in New Jersey.
10/14/13 9:36 a.m.
Make sure your spare is rotated with the rest of your tires. Oops, sorry: 'Tyres' 
When I was deployed, the facility manager of our building had a european Liberty KJ (called Cherokee over there). It had an interesting tyre cover. It really doesn't offer much protection from the elements but it's pretty unique:

stanger_missle wrote:
When I was deployed, the facility manager of our building had a european Liberty KJ (called Cherokee over there). It had an interesting tyre cover. It really doesn't offer much protection from the elements but it's pretty unique:
When they import US made cars to "Big License Plate" countries they're always scrambling for ways to find space.
I kinda like that cover on the jeep.. I bet you could still use and fit a vinyl cover over the tyre.
isn't the license plate supposed to be mounted to a part of the vehicle that's actually a part of the vehicle?
and if you are going to get one, get one like this:

motomoron wrote:
When they import US made cars to "Big License Plate" countries they're always scrambling for ways to find space.
50/50 bet that it's made in Austria, not the US.
I think Jeep had a hard plastic cover available.
Don't know if they still do.
Land Rover still has a selection of tyre covers for the Discovery II.
The soft covers, with animal of your choice, have a flap that prevents the cover from being removed with out taking the lugs off. Helps prevent cover theft or loss in a carwash. Wheel and tire are totally enclosed. (note, the Land Rover logo cover LRN50200 does not have these features).
A hard cover is also available.