I'm 52. I decided to renew some term life insurance that will expire in about 3 years. Went to the see their nurse for blood draw, interview, etc...
Strike 1: I had a colonoscopy set to happen about a month after the insurance exam - so they considered that a red flag pending results. Tip: don't renew life insurance when you have medical stuff scheduled.
Strike 2: I had a skin cancer scare shortly before the insurance exam and ended up needing a follow up procedure right after my insurance exam. They didn't like that at all. Red flag pending results. Tip: don't renew life insurance when you have medical stuff unresolved. .
Strike 3 : My PSA value was way above my last several years (annual physical) results. I asked my doc what could cause that and he asked if I had.. ahem.. released anything within 72 hours before the exam. I had indeed so he said to come in for a voluntary re-test which gave a more accurate result. Tip: don't spill anything right before an insurance exam.
Long story short.. they halted my application and said to send results for all of the above before they'd consider me for renewal. In hindsight I totally understand.
2 months later I finally have sent "clear" results to the insurance company so the underwriter can make a judgment.
I was kinda dumb. Don't be like me.. and don't forget sunscreen.