No, this is not a Flight Service thread. This weekend we looked into why the dryer we got off craigslist would send you a little shock when you touched the exposed screws.
When we plugged it in since we unplug it normally, there was a large mess of sparks and smoke. A lot. As I worked to feverishly to open the plug thinking it was in the wall. I noticed it was all coming from the dryer itself. We pulled the cover off the plug wondering if the previous owner had some strange setup for the power in there I found a small wire welded to the hot side.
I pulled this off and my wife informed me what it was. I thanked her, and was informed that "It's not mine!".
The underwire from the previous owner had worked its way to that point.
So, again, stop wearing bras. It can cause a huge issue!
Thankfully it's been round about a decade since I've had any need for chestal support.
Will pass on this possibly lifesaving information to the ladies in my life.
4/27/14 9:39 p.m.
Those sumbitches hurt when they break loose. Glad mine are real, could cause some serious leakage.
4/28/14 11:26 a.m.
Dear Mrs. Boost.
Stop wearing a bra. It could burn out house down. For that matter, we don't even know how dangerous the rest of your clothes are, so.....
Yeah, a GF got stabbed pretty good by an underwire once. Ouch.
I'm ready to throw my support behind this movement.
New Reader
4/28/14 12:21 p.m.
Very uplifting information, my cup runneth over.
Sorry about the puns, I can be a real boob.
Lesley wrote:
Those sumbitches hurt when they break loose. Glad mine are real, could cause some serious leakage.
I'd like to verify this claim first hands...
I -have- been stabbed by one.. and no, I was not the person wearing the bra.. let's just say it was doing it's very best to stay between me and my then girlfriend
Flight Service wrote:
Thinkkker wrote:
No, this is not a Flight Service thread.
WTF DUDE‽‽‽‽‽‽‽
Hey Man, It more or less is YOUR thread there ;)
If "support" is the issue, I will gladly lend my hands.
Thanks for keeping us abreast of this potential situation.