Actual pumpkin has very little flavor. I roll my eyes when I see people brewing beer with it. The flavor people are looking for is the spice mix. I've made beers that taste more like "pumpkin" than actual pumpkin using either summer squash or sweet potato.
In reply to Beer Baron:
Sweet potato beer sounds like it has potential.
Back on topic: I'm ambivalent about pumpkin spice. I like it in baked goods, not so much anywhere else.
HappyAndy wrote:
In reply to Beer Baron:
Sweet potato beer sounds like it has potential.
It was very good. I tried to model the recipe on candied yams. For brewing science reasons I won't get too into, sweet potatoes were much better to brew with than pumpkin. Simple version: sweet potatoes are a starch and pumpkins are gelatinous. Starch is what you make beer from.
In reply to Sine_Qua_Non:
Seriously, thats the only time of the year I buy Costco muffins any more..... SO good.....
HappyAndy wrote:
In reply to Beer Baron:
Sweet potato beer sounds like it has potential.
Back on topic: I'm ambivalent about pumpkin spice. I like it in baked goods, not so much anywhere else.
I've had this a few times. A+
9/27/16 9:45 a.m.
My real problem with pumpkin spice is cloves. My kid had this gum E36 M3 when he was teething and it smelled like clove. I smelled it so much that when I smell clove now it causes me to wretch.
Now...the pumkin pie blizzard from dq is amazing.
Beer Baron wrote:
Actual pumpkin has very little flavor. I roll my eyes when I see people brewing beer with it. The flavor people are looking for is the spice mix. I've made beers that taste more like "pumpkin" than actual pumpkin using either summer squash or sweet potato.
That's why what is sold as canned pumpkin in this country, isn't really pumpkin.
9/27/16 9:55 a.m.
Remember, pumpkin pie is nothing but an ode to mediocrity. The best one you've ever had wasn't that much better than the worst. It is just an excuse to eat nutmeg.
I dont eat anything pumpkin but find some of the adds for pumpkin spice goods are hilarious and it brings up a bunch of funny meme's on facebook.
Am I the only one who loathes pumpkin beer? I like my beer to taste like beer, not that stuff SWMBO puts in the bathroom to hide the poop smells.
9/27/16 11:24 a.m.
In reply to Furious_E:
No, you're not the only one. Ditto for coffee.
I forget. Which one of the Spice Girls is Pumpkin Spice, and what has she done that was so outrageous?
In reply to Furious_E:
I hate pumpkin beer, but god damn those pumpkin spice lattes are good.
Furious_E wrote:
Am I the only one who loathes pumpkin beer? I like my beer to taste like beer, not that stuff SWMBO puts in the bathroom to hide the poop smells.
I'm with you there - beer should taste like beer.
On the other hand, Aldi has an interesting (non-alcoholic) pumpkin apple cider thing they bring out every October that is pretty decent. But that is supposed to be sweet. Beer isn't.
Last time I went grocery shopping, they were selling this at the deli:

That's going too far.
They also sell Macaroni and Cheese Loaf, so there's that.
In reply to Duke:
Not gonna lie, I actually do like the flavor in coffee. But it goes with coffee. Unlike beer.
Beer Baron wrote:
Actual pumpkin has very little flavor. I roll my eyes when I see people brewing beer with it. The flavor people are looking for is the spice mix. I've made beers that taste more like "pumpkin" than actual pumpkin using either summer squash or sweet potato.
My mother in law swears she can tell the difference between home roasted and canned pumpkin (in baked goods) She preps gallon bags full of it every year.
Last thanksgiving my wife made Alton Browns' sweet potato-mock pumkin pie. Her mother just just raived how good it was and that she could taste the REAL pumpkin.
Everyone in the know, was trying their hardest not to roll on the floor 
I LOVE Pumpkin beers.
I swear I can tell the difference between Southern Tiers Pumpking from 2014 to 2015. In 2015 they used yellow squash instead of just pumpkin. It didn't taste as good...
My favorite is Punkaccino from Elysian brewing. Coffee, porter, pumpkin (spice).... Berk Yes!
9/28/16 2:15 p.m.
G_Body_Man wrote:
So I guess it's everyone but me. The only way I'll like something involving a pumpkin is to stick a couple firecrackers in a hollowed-out one and set 'em off.
I'm with ya. I hate anything related to pumpkin.
9/28/16 2:19 p.m.
Madhatr wrote:
Beer Baron wrote:
Actual pumpkin has very little flavor. I roll my eyes when I see people brewing beer with it. The flavor people are looking for is the spice mix. I've made beers that taste more like "pumpkin" than actual pumpkin using either summer squash or sweet potato.
My mother in law swears she can tell the difference between home roasted and canned pumpkin (in baked goods) She preps gallon bags full of it every year.
Last thanksgiving my wife made Alton Browns' sweet potato-mock pumkin pie. Her mother just just raived how good it was and that she could taste the REAL pumpkin.
Everyone in the know, was trying their hardest not to roll on the floor
Sweet potato pie is the best pie ever!
Also, canned pumpkin pie is indistinguishable from real pumpkin pie puree
9/28/16 3:16 p.m.
I was thinking Pumpkin Spice was the one they got to replace David Beckham's wife.
pumpkin pecan pie > sweet potato pie
TIL that there are people that like pumpkin spice flavor.