Which one is the Best
Argue for your favorite brand with vigor
Only the Haiku is permitted
New Reader
4/30/18 1:30 p.m.
Charmin is the only choice.
Ultra soft mega rolls are the best.
No sandpaper for me please.
4/30/18 1:31 p.m.
I go for the Kirkland brand. Charmin is nice stuff though.
The stuff at work at my new job is bad enough I'm considering bringing my own roll.
Saron81 said:
Charmin is the only choice.
Ultra soft mega rolls are the best.
+1 get mine from Costco every time it’s on sale.
I don't like the John Wayne Brand of TP. It's rough & touch & don't take no E36 M3 from nobody.
ridges are for chips
softness is for your shiny happy person
Thy paper be soft
Dry T P is harsh
Moist towelettes rock the world
Now bunghole is happy.
In reply to Streetwiseguy :
New Reader
4/30/18 2:29 p.m.
A friend carries his own.
He likes the softness and ridges.
Is it a gay thing?
In third world countries
All use rough cheap ass paper
Except the rich folks
Ian F
4/30/18 3:02 p.m.
I have both paper brands
Cottonelle more efficient
Fewer sheets required.
My vote is neither
I use what dancing bears use
Charmin all the way
4/30/18 3:44 p.m.
Charmin is the best
Because one bear is named "Skids"
You can't make this up.
Dancing bears know best
Strong and comfortable yes
The rest not worth E36 M3.
4/30/18 5:23 p.m.
fred meyer house brand
sells in Costco-sized package
Buy in bulk and Save
We buy from Costco. Kirkland brand or name brand, depending on price.
Charmin leaves linty
residue. Cottonelle tears
funny. Kirkland wins.
vwcorvette said:
Seventh Genera-
tion is 100 percent
Recycled TP
Sweet! 7 chances of getting some old time disease.