Why can't I find a job that I like and bosses don't suck?
I had been running a Cottman transmission shop until yesterday. The pay was fine, but the owner was a waste of space. He came in yesterday and didn't bat an eyelash when I screwed up an accounting thing, but then he goes to the waiting room, picks up a phone book, yells, "what the berkeley is this phone book doing here," and whips it 10 feet across the room at my head.
Proportional response? not so much.
So, long story short... anybody hiring in the Austin TX area? I'm an experienced service writer, general shop manager, sales, carpentry, welding, CDL driver, and heckofa nice guy.
Just don't throw books at my head and we'll get along fine.
Good luck with the job search.
I quit a job once. Manager drunk a case of beer in the break room, watched the other counter guys install free parts on a truck, and then drove a forklift through the front window.
Hostile workplaces suck. Good luck on the new search.
Damn. Didn't you just take a transfer to that shop with promises of 50%+ pay increase? That sucks. I'm sure you've got a good network of people to canvass for a new job, or at least work to get you by until the next gig comes along.
Yup, he made all kinds of promises of pay increases based on shop volume.
Turns out, that shop is totally ghetto, nobody has any money because they spent it all on "rimz" and gold teeth. I had one girl sit in the waiting room and got two collections calls from the power company and her car creditor, then she asks me if she can finance the repairs.
When I got there, there were 7 cars sitting in the pit on the good-ol-boy payment plan. One car had been there since August and the customer was just coming in each month and paying about $200 until his repair was paid off. Complete BS.
I did get a call today from B&M transmissions to take one of their shops. I'll probably take it, but its a hardcore sales position. I prefer the service writing/customer service side of things, but I might take it... its a job. In this economy I can't really look a gift horse in the mouth.
curtis73 wrote:
I did get a call today from B&M transmissions to take one of their shops. I'll probably take it, but its a hardcore sales position. I prefer the service writing/customer service side of things, but I might take it... its a job. In this economy I can't really look a gift horse in the mouth.
Doesn't hurt to try. Is this B&M the same B&M who makes shifters?
Do not, repeat DO NOT go to work for Car-X. I worked there in Austin and drove 2.5 hrs down to work from Brownwood each week. Couldn't find a job here at all. They treated me great at the start, then started lowering my pay and sending me to every shop in the area (3 of them) on different days. Then when my wife had our daughter in July, they fired me on my first day back saying that, "Since I had a new baby 2.5 hrs away, I would probably become an unreliable employee." Have you looked at working at a dealership like Mac Hiak? I know people who know people. PM me and I can get you info and names. Oh, wait, I have the service manager's number in my phone. PM me and I'll get it to you.
eeew fraughtmans transmission. I had issues with the local one. They re-repaired my transmission a good 5 times before I got pissed and found another shop. Even the ones here in cali are pretty getto.
Good luck with your job search. I hope you find something better.
He left a phone book in a waiting room and you guys are trying to help him out?
Curtis how dare you leave a phone book lying about, next you'll be stealing his lunch apple
First, was the phone book left open to the "Transmission Repair" section of the Yellow Pages?

Second, I guess painting the Pontiac is on hold again. 
curtis73 wrote:
I did get a call today from B&M transmissions to take one of their shops. I'll probably take it, but its a hardcore sales position. I prefer the service writing/customer service side of things, but I might take it... its a job. In this economy I can't really look a gift horse in the mouth.
And if it is the same B&M as the performance shifter/trans/converters/etc., I like their products, and think they are a decent company. Might not be a bad way to get a foot in the door. Plus, having a sales guy with actual knowledge of the product and how it works is a good thing.
Oh, and the B&M guys in CA on the help line know who GRM is. 
somedays jobs do feel like this......career builder monkey videos.
2/22/11 10:50 p.m.
Just curious--did OP give the book-thrower any choice words upon exit?
I'm pretty sure I'd have a problem holding back from penetrating him with a rolled-up version of the aforementioned projectile.
Type Q
2/22/11 11:36 p.m.
Conquest351 wrote:
...Then when my wife had our daughter in July, they fired me on my first day back saying that, "Since I had a new baby 2.5 hrs away, I would probably become an unreliable employee."....
Wow. If that is the reasoning they gave you for letting you go, they are either profoundly ignorant of or don't give a damn about labor laws. Makes you wonder what other places they playing fast and loose with rules and ethics.
Good luck with your job search. You are obviously someone who gets things done. I expect you'll find something better.
2/22/11 11:41 p.m.
Type Q wrote:
Conquest351 wrote:
...Then when my wife had our daughter in July, they fired me on my first day back saying that, "Since I had a new baby 2.5 hrs away, I would probably become an unreliable employee."....
Wow. If that is the reasoning they gave you for letting you go, they are either profoundly ignorant of or don't give a damn about labor laws. Makes you wonder what other places they playing fast and loose with rules and ethics.
Seriously--if that were done to a woman, she'd own the company. Something's just not right about that whole situation.
gamby wrote:
Just curious--did OP give the book-thrower any choice words upon exit?
I'm pretty sure I'd have a problem holding back from penetrating him with a rolled-up version of the aforementioned projectile.
Yeah... i think i'd be with you. In the name of self-defense after the boss "assaulted" me with a heavy projectile.
gamby wrote:
Type Q wrote:
Conquest351 wrote:
...Then when my wife had our daughter in July, they fired me on my first day back saying that, "Since I had a new baby 2.5 hrs away, I would probably become an unreliable employee."....
Wow. If that is the reasoning they gave you for letting you go, they are either profoundly ignorant of or don't give a damn about labor laws. Makes you wonder what other places they playing fast and loose with rules and ethics.
Seriously--if that were done to a woman, she'd own the company. Something's just not right about that whole situation.
Yeah, I probably could have done something about it, but honestly, they treat their employees like such utter E36 M3, that it was a blessing in disguise. They would remind you daily that Texas is an "At will" work state which means they can fire you for any reason, and no reason. I doubt the reason they let me go was ethical or whatever, I don't really care.
All I know is when I'm done working my 10 hour day, I get to come home to my wife and daughters. That's all that really matters. A little larger paycheck would be cool, but whatever. I'm working on my own business, automotive racing related, that will hopefully be kicking off in the next few months (if all goes according to plan).
2/23/11 8:56 a.m.
Good on you for quitting Curtis. Life's too short to suck up to people like that. I hope the job hunting goes well.
gamby wrote:
Just curious--did OP give the book-thrower any choice words upon exit?
I'm pretty sure I'd have a problem holding back from penetrating him with a rolled-up version of the aforementioned projectile.
I'm a pretty chill guy. I waited until he was 30 miles away at another shop, emailed him my immediate resignation, made him come all the way back, then just laid it out why I was quitting.
1) consistent failures to provide a work environment that succeeds
2) disproportionate levels of anger assigned to menial problems
3) continual failure to provide shop supplies when requested (it took me three weeks once to get 90w gear oil that I requisitioned)
I left him with, "I don't do tantrums. If you don't want phone books on the shelf, tell me to not put phone books on the shelf, don't throw them at me."
BUT.... I saved the really choice words for the Workforce Commission when I was applying for unemployment: "Abusive and violent workplace atmosphere," and "Owner sometimes becomes violent and throws heavy objects at or near employees."
^Oh man... he's going to have an aneurysm when he gets word of that report. 
Still, if you wanna go work at Mac Hiak, gimme a shout!
And if it is the same B&M as the performance shifter/trans/converters/etc....
Its not. Its a local chain of tranny rebuild shops. bmtransmission.com instead of bmracing.com. Their reputation is somewhere between WalMart and McDonalds