...for real this time(?) 2 days in, chewing on lots of toothpicks, and constantly feeling like I want to run full bore for a mile and punch someone in the face when I get there, but otherwise, I'm hanging in there. Good news is, mamma says I can go buy a punching bag this weekend.
If you're a young pup and smoke, seriously, berkeleying quit now. It doesn't get easier. If you're a non-smoker college or high school kid and someone offers you a cigarette, just go ahead and punch them in the face.
2/24/11 8:45 a.m.
Good luck Poopie! Don't worry about the 10-15 pounds you'll put on.
minimac wrote:
Good luck Poopie! Don't worry about the 10-15 pounds you'll put on.
I've only shed 15 of the 25 I put on last time. Here we go again.
Stay strong mate, and get a heavy bag 
Check cracked.com today for a pretty funny article on quitting smoking. 
Good luck. Glad it's a habit I never picked up.
poopshovel wrote:
...for real this time(?) 2 days in, chewing on lots of toothpicks, and constantly feeling like I want to run full bore for a mile and punch someone in the face when I get there, but otherwise, I'm hanging in there. Good news is, mamma says I can go buy a punching bag this weekend.
I recommend:
- get some running shoes
- get a heart-rate monitor
- get a portable punching dummy
when you feel the urge to run a mile full-bore, go ahead and do it. carry the portable punching dummy with you on these runs. hell, get yourself a jogging stroller and dress the punching dummy like a child. when you can't run no more, punch the berkeley out of the dummy.
or not. but please do quit smoking.
I am quitting using welbutrin (sp?). I take two pills everyday (one in teh morning, one in the evening). I have not noticed any bad side effects except for being more motivated to do things.
I go days without a cigarette, then maybe I will have one at work when somebody offers one.
It is stupid easy to not have a cigarette on this medication. YOu don't think about it, you don't crave them, you aren't crabby.
It's awesome! Try it.
2/24/11 10:52 a.m.
Good luck, man. Both my parents were long term smokers who tried many times to quit. Both succeeded eventually after just going cold turkey. We're with you.
Wife smoked for >10 years then quit.
All I can say is that remember if you do fall off the wagon, it doesn't mean that you've failed to quit. Just means that you failed in that moment. If you slip up, you slip up, and then you get back on with quitting.
Helps if you have something higher priority to motivate your quitting. For my wife, it was getting pregnant.
ReverendDexter wrote:
Helps if you have something higher priority to motivate your quitting. For my wife, it was getting pregnant.
There you go Poopy! Go get knocked up!
2/24/11 11:20 a.m.
you could always try blow...
Helps if you have something higher priority to motivate your quitting. For my wife, it was getting pregnant.
<---twiddles thumbs, whistles, and looks at the ceiling. 
poopshovel wrote:
Helps if you have something higher priority to motivate your quitting. For my wife, it was getting pregnant.
<---twiddles thumbs, whistles, and looks at the ceiling.
berkeley, there goes the gene pool! 
i keed, i keed! congratulations, dude!
2/24/11 4:34 p.m.
+1 on Welbutrin, my father is quitting smoking (he is 70 this year, has smoked since he was 14...) and he is taking welbutrin, he has never been more fun to be around, really! :)
2/24/11 5:22 p.m.
I went to the doctor to get chantix again. quit for 4 years the last time. apparently kaiser will not give you chantix unless you take some other pills first. The whole freaking list was antidepressants. So he gave me Wellbutrin. I'm against antidepressants in any way shape or from so i am just have the script filled for two months until their computer is satisfied. So in 2 months I will be quitting.
I've quit some nasty habits, but couldn't quit smoking.
Zyban made it easy. It'll be 10 years on April 1 this year. My wife quit the following year, but still sneaks a few a day. She thinks I don't know.
I didn't want to smoke but was from NC and it was the law. ;-)
I really enjoyed smoking... the nicotine was secondary. Dunhills were my downfall... Virginia tobacco but made with the UK "purity" laws.
For me the only way to quit was cold turkey. Painful for a couple of months (and I did gain 20lbs)... just willpower through that part... but after that much easier.
Not to say that I don't still get the urges (even after 15 year!), but thankfully, the few times I've succumbed (usually while drinking... heavily) it's tasted so bad I haven't taken more than a single draw. (I don't drink around people who smoke Dunhills... ;-) )
Good for you for making the effort... it's absolutely worth it.
Hang in there Poop, it ain't easy.
I quit 25 years ago but still miss it. I do an occasional cigar in the garage late at night but feel like crap later. My clothes stink, it feels like someone is sitting on my chest and my mouth tastes like the bottom of a birdcage.
I smoked Camel non filters. I quit when I started coughing up brown furry E36 M3.
You're only 32, your body and your family will thank you.
Besides, spend $7 a pack on smoke vs the same money on a car = new headers!
I really enjoyed smoking too, all 20 years, but I don't miss it, and don't remember the last time I had a craving.
Stick with it! I quit ~25 years ago. It's like eating an elephant: one bite at a time. Get past this craving, don't worry about the next one. Pretty soon it becomes habit.
A Lil' Poop, huh?
I do an occasional cigar in the garage late at night but feel like crap later. My clothes stink, it feels like someone is sitting on my chest and my mouth tastes like the bottom of a birdcage
I do as well, but have the same reaction you do. I pretty much now limit my cigars to the rare occasions I can get Cubans, but frankly despite numerous overseas trips, I haven't bothered with one in several years...
Cubans to cigars are like Guiness to light beer. Horribly stinky.
I do the $1 tubes from the local Habibe store and I never finish the whole thing.
Still, don't start kids.
Did it years ago by accident with pesticides and chewing tobacco.
Not exactly the recommended proceedure, but it worked for me.
I had my first cuban at the Lemons NYE 24. If I had regular access to those, I would start smoking.
I forgot about the weight gain after quitting. I am going to blame my little gut thats forming on that.
I smoked for about 8 years, only a pack or two per week though. I quit about a year and a half ago. I just started to not enjoy it. I would enjoy the cig while smoking but then later at night or the next morning would just feel like crap. Quit cold turkey. I still bum a cig every couple months from one of my friends, if only to enjoy it for a minute then to remember why I decided to quit in the first place.