joey48442 wrote:
I miss smokeing all the time... Been about 6,5 years since I quit. The thing I kept telling myself was that I was a spineless little pansy sissy if I couldn't overcome smoking.
And it worked. I never fell off the wagon.
God, has it been that long? I remember that conversation like it was yesterday... I went wild turkey 9 years ago, which got my wife pregnant and I was forced to go cold turkey after that. Now I have Yo Gabba Gabba rocking out in the living room and jesus do I want a smoke!
4/23/11 10:03 a.m.
im goin on 6 months.. still want one every day. just a lil puff thats all i want..... but that lil puff will turn into goin to the staore and blowing 7 bux.
5/8/11 7:31 a.m.
cant manage to quit. everytime i do its for 6 to 9 months then i have a bad day car breaks, fight with the spouse, my mom calls, lose a job, ect ect ect ect. and sure enough one cigg happens. and next day its back to 1.5 packs a day. and whole process starts over.
Poop handled hanging at the Mitty including the Moss Pub drunk and surrounded by GRMers acting the fool, he is doing great.
Kudos brother
Congrats, Poopsie! A non-smoking Poops is way sexier than a smokin' one. I promise!
(And congrats on the little turd motivating you...)
poopshovel wrote:
Mental wrote:
Hey playa'
How ya still doing on this?
Not to call you out, but to help encourage you if you have slipped or to give ya mad props if you're still on it.
Angry P still has a sack whack waiting for ya.
100%. I've been grabbing some extra work from my former employers. Everyone there used to smoke. There are only a couple smokers there now. I was a little worried that this would be too tempting, but it hasn't been too bad. I'll actually go out with the smokers once a day to get a whiff. I still enjoy the smell.
Nights haven't been as bad. Where I used to have at least one episode a night of cringing and grinding my teeth for several minutes, waiting for the craving to go away, now there are nights when I don't think about it at all.
I certainly don't miss smelling like E36 M3 all the time. Haven't really done anything different to keep the weight off. I was just really conscious in the beginning of not replacing the smokes with food. I'm still a big fatass, just no bigger of a fatass than when I quit.
Thanks for all of the support, dudes. I wasn't trying to make this a big deal, but it's really been incredibly helpful to hear all the kind words and support. I truly appreciate it. Cheap whiskey shots on me.
It's amazing how much better things smell, doesn't it? I've never smoked, but my dad did my whole life. I moved out, and after a month or so, it was 'whoa! I can smell things.' Well done. Not just for you, but your fam and everybody who has to be around you. I wish my dad had the courage to stop. He's going to be one of those dying slowly.
5/8/11 2:22 p.m.
KATYB wrote:
cant manage to quit. everytime i do its for 6 to 9 months then i have a bad day car breaks, fight with the spouse, my mom calls, lose a job, ect ect ect ect. and sure enough one cigg happens. and next day its back to 1.5 packs a day. and whole process starts over.
The problem is that despite nicotine being a stimulant, it has an opiate effect on the body. Quitting is a habit, just like starting. You can't just say if you have one because of a bad day "well, I guess I haven't quit" I have told my story on here several times. It took me a year to "quit" and even after that I was a social and/or travelling smoker. You just gotta keep at it. You have a family, that should really motivate you.
It's real easy to sit here in my shoes and tell you how to live your life. But plenty of us have beat this addiction, you can too. You just gotta find your trick and make it work for you. To live the life you have, you already possess the inner strength you need. Now it's just a question of mechanics. Keep working on it, you'll get it.
way to go poop... I've been pulling for ya 
Time flies. Hard to believe I'm over 6 months in!!! It's gotten a little better. It's like little switches are occasionally clicking in my brain, shutting off urges, or just changing the way I look at things. There have been times when I've REALLY thought "I could have just one right now, and that'd satisfy the urge." And while I really think that this time, that might be the case, my brain automatically plays me a little slide show of waking up in the morning all congested, the mucous in my nose smelling like an ashtray, then I picture those little nicotine receptors (I'm assuming there is such a works) as little shriveled up, crusty, dying weeds in my brain. Just a little sip would perk them right up, and I sure as hell don't want that.
I have also officially become "that guy." I would NEVER say anything, unless part-joking with friends, but when I see someone smoking, it often disgusts me. HOW COULD THEY DO THAT TO THEMSELVES!?!? I think of how annoying I must've been, showing up to my non-smoker friends' houses and running outside every half-hour, coming back in smelling like ass.
Anyway, thanks again for all the support. It really helped!
WAY TO GO POOP... 17 yrs now.. since you've reached the point of being "that guy" you're pretty much there.. just don't let you guard down
Congrats! Go buy yourself something nice....
We have been calling the Honda "The car that Marlboro bought." Thanks for the reminder. I occasionally feel bad for owning something new. Gotta remind myself that the car payment is what I was spending on cancer every month.
It really isn't even funny how much money you save. Since I quit dipping (it's only been about six weeks for me) I'm really noticing how much longer $60 from the ATM will last in the wallet.
What really chaps my butt is that I was quit for a year before and feel off the wagon and it took me 3 years to quit again. DO NOT FALL OFF THE WAGON.
I'll add to my voice to the chorus of congratulations. I quit drinking coffee earlier this year after ten years of heavy consumption. After six months I still find myself craving it sometimes. I know nicotine is something like 10,000 times more addictive. You have earned my respect.
Sincerest thanks dudes. Brett: I did the same thing (fell off the wagon after a year-ish,) now you and I both know we "can't have just one!" Do you have the dreams? I'll have them where I have one, feel really horrible and guilty, then say 'berkeley it' and have a couple more. I wake up feeling all guilty. Takes a few minutes to realize it didn't happen.
Oh, and I get a steak dinner after a year. I'm thinking I'll cash that one in at capitol grill or ruth's chris. :)
Hi poopshovel,
I’m another Brett that did quite recently (13 weeks tomorrow) after falling off the wagon about a year ago. So the Brett’s are 0 for 2 with respect to wagon falling and 2 for 2 with respect to being a fan of the rotor.
Anyway, congratulations and take care,
The other Brett
9/9/11 6:53 p.m.
im at 10 ,months.. my record is 2 1/2 yrs.. lookin forward to beatin that.. funny that within the last 6 weeks or so the early mornin cough and hack have showed up.. clearin some narly lookin phlemmy type stuff.. but feel better and do stil crave every day.. but i am determined to break the record.
I think you have to fall off the wagon that one time to really drive the point home that you're really back at square one if you have that moment of weakness.
Congrats on kicking that E36 M3 to the curb.
I quit snuffin' Copenhagen in 1996 after 15yrs of a tin+ a day.
It has been 15 friggin years and I still have those goddamn dreams where I have a berkeleying lip full and cottonmouth. I wake up tasting it.