I know nothing of maritime salvage. What will they do with the ship once it is towed somewhere? Dismantle it? Refurbish it and use it again?
In reply to dyintorace:
One or the other. Ship hulls take a loooooooooong time to build. If it can be refurbed for a good price, it will be. Otherwise, they go to the breakers. We are a very good society at recycling everything off of a ship.
dyintorace wrote: I know nothing of maritime salvage. What will they do with the ship once it is towed somewhere? Dismantle it? Refurbish it and use it again?
from the youtube video description: "Workers will attempt to stabilize the wreck before floating it and towing it to a port for dismantling."
In reply to dyintorace:
Scrap it- for a lot more info, there was a 60 Minutes article about it in December-
Too much damage to repair.
Its essentially the same process they used to right the USS Oklahoma in Pearl Harbor. Just opposite therefore having to build the platform underwater.
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