I really wanted this but they were asking $1500 and that was more than I could justify.

3/16/23 6:32 p.m.
Shop cat decided to be outside cat today.
I did not pick her up. She climbed me while I was working.

Found in the men's room of a local German restaurant:

3/16/23 8:31 p.m.

Annie took this pic when we were in Rockland, Maine (near Owls Head), a few years ago. She sent me a copy, and it's still on my phone.
3/16/23 8:54 p.m.

City Winery, NYC, May, 2022. Son Jason and I had front row seats.
(BTW, this thread has all the makings of being an epic thread. I myself will boost my postings by the hundreds here).

Large drill, 4140 steel in a 1996 Mazak lathe...
Can someone talk me through posting pics from an Android phone? I've been unable to make that work. Fair warning: If you teach me how to do that I'll be posting cat and random shop project pics to this thread.