So, I got to thinking today after seeing the press release for the chevy Volt. What can the racing community do to promote fuel efficiency?
The only way to truly make the bulk of America pay attention, and buy into it is through maximum exposure. When it comes to racing, that means NASCAR. Whether you like Nascar or not, you must admit they have the whole marketing thing down pretty good.
So what do you do? Allow hybrid technology in Nascar, and put some sort of limit on the quantity of fuel allowed for any given race. If they truly want those cars to the "Cars of tomorrow" then that is the way to go.
The technology developed will eventually trickle down the to the consumer. Hybrid tech will begin to look fashionable to a majority of the country. The side benefit is that it will develop better beforming cars that happen to have hybrid tech.
you just arent paying attention.
Two of the big racing series (F1 and lemans) are hybrid.
They aren't Nascar. Bubba doesn't care about F1 nor Lemans.
nascar is still using the (albeit tried, true, and reliable) small block v8.
lemans and f1 is where bleeding edge racing technology takes shape, just wait ten years, then maybe bubba will have one of "them 'lectric moters" on their cars.
New Reader
9/16/08 2:28 p.m.
They should let toyota use fuel injection and coil on plug. 
I understand that F1 and Lemans lead the way technologically. The key is to get Nascar to join into the fight.
Dale Ernhardt Jr starts driving a hybrid in Nascar, Chevy will have record sales of their hybrid products.
beat to the punch.. by the french
ignorant wrote:
beat to the punch.. by the french
beat to the punch, by me (see my first post)
Type Q
9/16/08 3:15 p.m.
Is NASCAR still mandating carburators? If so perhaps it be good to get them to accept 1980's engingine control techhnology before hybrid technology.
yep, still have a carburetor.
They already run the carbs like fuel injectors with tons of fuel pressure. Think of it as Bubba's version of throttle body CIS.
Personally, I think NASCAR is peaking and will die a slow but horrible death, like so many other popular "sporting" activities these days. Eventually the scandals will start and all it takes is a couple of strikes by the drivers or teams and they'll be wandering around like the NHL is now.
I really do hope that NASCAR does wake up and begin to change with the times. We all know that the amount of fuel they use is pretty negligible in the grand scheme of things, but like so many "green" steps taken by large companies it is more about the marketing of their care towards the environment, not the actuality of it.
autolex84 wrote:
ignorant wrote:
beat to the punch.. by the french
beat to the punch, by me (see my first post)
i posted it two days ago on the other forum...
postcount +1
Would anybody else find it ironic if the path Nascar chose would be to run on pure ethanol? 

It would be wasteful, that should be saved for after the race like our grandfathers intended
sachilles wrote:
They aren't Nascar. Bubba doesn't care about F1 nor Lemans.
Bubba doesn't buy berkeleying hippy cars either. Even if Dale Earnhardt's dead ass hopped in a Prius, Bubba would call him a homosexual race traitor.
Bubba would hop in a hybrid corvette if he knew Dale Jr drove one.
I'm not talking about a race full of priusesssusses.
A small block chevy won't make a prius cool.
sachilles wrote:
Bubba would hop in a hybrid corvette if he knew Dale Jr drove one.
I'm not talking about a race full of priusesssusses.
A small block chevy won't make a prius cool.
A RWD SBC Prius would be awesome! I would drive one just to berkeley with people.
The Nationwide series is going to have a new car in 2010.
I wonder if it will be more of the same old thing or will they try to get more up to date.?
New Reader
9/16/08 7:10 p.m.
I've always thought while laying in bed late at night that a Prius with a 454 ci big block would be funny.
New Reader
9/16/08 7:13 p.m.
Maybe we could start a petition to make Megasquirt required in NASCAR?
i say even the playing field. any FI you want, but it has to breathe through two - 2" inlet restrictors, in series, no more than 3" apart. (just like wrc).
djdn't they have a drag racing insight?
Or was it just the shell that looked like an insight?
ignorant wrote:
djdn't they have a drag racing insight?
Or was it just the shell that looked like an insight?
they used the shape of the insight because it was so aerodynamic
Four-speed transmissions, small block V-8s, carburetors, and solid-axle rear ends make NASCAR unique because, unlike F1 and those funny-looking French boat things, NASCARs are inexpensive and can be bought and raced by almost anyone on the professional level.
Never mind.