My son has Asperger's Syndrome. (High functioning Autism). In Tennessee we have no insurance coverage mandatory through private insurance. 29 of 50 states has passed Autism Insurance Reform. If I was on state insurance I would get all the services I need. Because I am with a company and we have Cigna, I get no coverage at all. Zero.
I have started a petition (Tennessee Autism Reform Petition) to get support. I am almost to the 1000 goal I set to take to the state legislators on Monday.
Here is the rub. The lobbying group that is supposed to be so big on this has done nothing since 2009. They say there isn't enough support. Strange thing is I never heard about them trying to do anything. We have 3 major insurance companies in TN and I know why nothing got done on that level. One of my petitions supporters told me today that everyone was going to wait till Obamacare in 2014. The thing is if Obama looses that is the first thing that will be killed.
So a heavy Republican state is waiting on Obamacare to cover what other heavy Republican states have passed? WTF. If I am on the state dime I get coverage and if I am working and busting my ass I get zilch? In a Republican run state?
I hate all these bastards and hope they get gang raped by the 94 Raiders.