If you all want background, I'll give it later, but I NEED to get this out of my system. Oh yeah, NSFW language ahoy!
What Grinds My Gears: Scrap metal thieves. Stealing scrap from the dumpster that's holding all of the E36 M3 from our demolished porch IN BROAD BERKELEYING DAYLIGHT, then telling us it's somehow not illegal to take it out of OUR property because it's in the dumpster? Berkeley you and the horse you rode in on. Be thankful for the next part...
What Also Grinds My Gears: Police who never show up or even call for a follow-up after we called them to report the incident. The jerkoff was casing the neighborhood for the past two days AND I caught him dumpster diving and making a scene at another neighbor's house this same morning he dived at our house. Shouldn't you at least have sent a cruiser to keep tabs on him? Next time, screw tying to not be a bother and calling the non-emergency line. If that jackass or anyone else steps foot on the property to go dumpster-diving again, it's 911.
What Will REALLY Grind My Gears: Having to listen to the psychopathic asshat that is our landlord's son/property maintainer scream at us for letting a scrap thief get away with an old roof antenna and old flashing, even though HE left the damn dumpster full of junk for weeks and in plain view of the main road. Thank FSM the thief only took old scrap and not the new building material for the porch, which was also left in pain sight. But nooooo, it's my family's fault for not emptying it ourselves and for leaving the antenna in plain sight where he left it, just like it's our fault the porch is crumbling even though we've warned the landlord about it multiple times for YEARS and nothing was done until this winter. The exterior was NOT our responsibility as per the rental agreement and the law, and it took the town coming down on us to finally get some traction. We've maintained the interior, as per our part of the agreement (which the son HATES because it doesn't look like it did 20 years ago when he was a kid and living there. Sorry, but you never showed up to fix ANYTHING until the town ordered your dad to have the porch fixed, and now you berkeleying care? EABOD and DIAF). Do your part: shut the berkeley up and stop acting like a petulant, threatening manchild when you are working, stop having loud-as-hell picnics with YOUR family in our front yard during the weekends you have virtually stolen from MY family, stop testing keys in our locks, and FIX THE DAMN PORCH! NOTHING else, not the roof, not the windows, not the electricals, not until we leave!
We are moving soon, and I keep trying to tell myself that we'll be moving soon to keep my heart rate down, but in between today's incident and the rampant douchebaggery of the landlord's son, I'm about to lose my E36 M3. I don't know how much more my poor parents can take. I know the landlord's kid scared my sisters back to Vermont because of him trying keys (unsuccessfully, thank FSM) in the locks.