Don't Drink & Trike: Man, 58, Arrested on Tricycle DUII
October 4, 2008 - 1:04PM
A Lakeside-area man was arrested Friday afternoon by Oregon State Police (OSP) after he was cautioned and then later spotted riding an adult -sized tricycle under the influence of alcohol on a local street.
At about 2 p.m., OSP Trooper Dave Timm contacted a group of intoxicated people at Tenmile Lakes County Park. One of the individuals identified as William David Bjorkquist, 58, from Lakeside, told Timm that he was going to ride his purple "Miami Sun" adult-sized tricycle home. Timm told him not to ride the tricycle because of his obvious intoxicated condition. Bjorkquist agreed not to ride, and his friends said they would help him push it home.
A short time later the trooper spotted Bjorkquist riding the tricycle in the traffic lane on the wrong side of Park Avenue, then ride through a stop sign and down the wrong side of South 11th Street.
Timm stopped Bjorkquist who still showed obvious signs of impairment. Bjorkquist failed field sobriety tests and was taken into custody for driving under the influence of intoxicants. He was transported to Coos County Jail where was cited to appear and released to custody of jail staff.
It is against the law to ride a bicycle on public streets when you are drunk too.
Just sos ya know.
10/6/08 1:31 p.m.
He wasn't as cool as these guys:
Its also illegal to ride a horse while drunk.
If that was in Toronto he might have been arrested for tricycle street racing and had his trike crushed.
Would there be any reason to ride an adult-size tricycle sober?
Physical impairment for one. We have a customer who has one as his main means of transportation. He was in a car accident many years ago and suffered brain damage. After many years of physical therapy he can walk, although very very slowly and his balance is still shaky. He can git on his trike though. He rides in all kinds of weather. His trike looks like this
I do have a few customers who have purchased them for teenage children who have problems with musculature or balance as well.
They are also used quite often in large warehouses to transport large or heavy items within the warehouse to different departments such as shipping. Industrial Trikes
In our old store we had a "lap" that ran around the perimiter of the retail space that was linoleum. When the boss was not around we would regularly hold trike races through the store, getting these things up on two wheels at almost every corner. 
I have to admit when I wrote that last post I had a mental image of an adult sized big-wheel in my head. The trike thing makes a lot more sense the way mojo puts it.
I have a good friend who got an RWI ticket a couple of years ago. He was riding home blitzed one night and went to bunnyhop up onto a curb. Ordinarily it would've been cake, but he hopped way too soon, came down three feet before the curb, hit it, got thrown off forward into a boxwood bush (not a friendly plant to hit, BTW), and bent the front rim on his new Trek mountain bike.
All of this happened about thirty yards from a cop sitting in his car, who watched the whole thing happen. Cop was rolling with laughter, but eventually wrote Kenny a ticket after he made sure he was okay and drove him home.
The good thing is it's not really that much of an issue, since the collateral costs of a normal DWI are what really hurt. Since you don't have to carry insurance or have a license to bike (at least not yet), the fine's the only deterrent.
What I want is an adult sized Green Machine 
Anyone remember the Hemi-Big Wheel from the contest that Chrysler held a few years ago?
EastCoast, when I was a kid I snagged a trike like that a neighbor was throwing out. I lightened it as much as I could, changed the gearing, swapped some parts out for old BMX stuff I had laying around, and had a lot of fun bombing around on that thing. Always sucked for jumps, though.
And yes, everyone knows Green Machine > Big Wheel.
I really want to take a welding class at Wake Tech. My main motivation is so I can build my own Green Machine, but it would also come in handy for my Celica Project, rustbucket that she is. 
Do you guys have a human-powered trike competition at the Challenge? 'Cause you totally should, with beer laps.
everyone watch out for hiroki if they have, he is a beast.
daisy, daisy give me your answer due....
psteav wrote:
The good thing is it's not really that much of an issue, since the collateral costs of a normal DWI are what really hurt. Since you don't have to carry insurance or have a license to bike (at least not yet), the fine's the only deterrent.
Here, you get a DUI for anything you can ride if you are intoxicated.. this includes skateboards. They are the same as if you were driving a car and carry all the same fines, fees, and license revokations.
In NJ, you could be facing 1 year without a license, tons of fees and fines, and $1000 a year for three years in insurance surcharges.. for riding a skateboard drunk.
mad_machine wrote:
Here, you get a DUI for anything you can ride if you are intoxicated.. this includes skateboards. They are the same as if you were driving a car and carry all the same fines, fees, and license revokations.
In NJ, you could be facing 1 year without a license, tons of fees and fines, and $1000 a year for three years in insurance surcharges.. for riding a skateboard drunk.
Wouldn't riding a skateboard drunk just be FWI (Falling While Intoxicated?) I could see the danger of having skateboards scooting around uncontrolled but I doubt anyone could stay on a skateboard drunk for more than a second or two.
10/7/08 9:51 a.m.
New Reader
10/7/08 4:41 p.m.
Did you hear about the dyslexic police officer who was handing out IUD's?
There was a guy in my town I saw get arrested for riding a horse while drunk.