Congrats! its good to keep them caged like that for a while 
3/22/12 8:53 p.m.
So happy for you, congratulations! 
I can't believe how quick this guy is growing! He came home from the hospital at 6lbs 5oz and was in the bottom 5% for growth. At six months he was in the top 95% for length, weight and head circumference! He's a bruiser. 
Cute kid. Congratulations!!
Thank you. Like I said, some shameless bragging but I can't help it. 
I just put my twins to bed.. Dang near 2 1/2 already... it seems strange as they were just born yesterday.
They will make you crazy sometimes.. but it is worth every second.
chknhwk wrote:
He's so fun to watch sleep - if you're a dad or a mom you know what I'm talking about.
I used to love to watch how innocent they seem when they are sleeping. You almost want to wake them up. But that is a bad idea! LOL!
Congrats, and be sure to take the time to enjoy the time with him, they grow up real fast.
Congrats man! Mine is 20 months old today! Seems like yesterday I found out April was pregnant. Enjoy every second man. They grow up so fast and change so quickly. Once he starts walking, it's all over. Start putting stuff up higher now so you won't be surprised when he comes walking in with scisors or a knive or something.
chknhwk wrote:
So yeah, I've given up a lot in the last year (track events, college, etc) and I don't really regret any of it.
You didn't give it up - you traded.
LOL, thanks for the words of wisdom and congratulatory posts. 
As you can see I DO have fun with him, he's generally a very happy baby:
Ok, it seems I can't embed youtube videos here?
Congrats! My little one is only 10.5 weeks old, but they are awesome. Sounds like you're having a blast!
I took both of my sons to the track for the first time when they were around 3. I wanted to be fairly sure they would keep the rea muffs on and that age they seem to understand the reason for them.
Its interesting how my going to the races have changed. I rairly go with my friends anymore, it is usually my two boys and myself and it is a much better time. They love walking the paddoc just soaking everything up where they guys I used to go with just wanted to sit the whole time and then get out as soon as the race was over.
Rusted_Busted_Spit wrote:
Its interesting how my going to the races have changed. I rairly go with my friends anymore, it is usually my two boys and myself and it is a much better time. They love walking the paddoc just soaking everything up where they guys I used to go with just wanted to sit the whole time and then get out as soon as the race was over.
This. I can't wait for this. Good thing both the wifey and I race! He'll get his fill of drag racing and road racing (unless I can convert SWMBO to road racing, lol). We have fights on whether he's getting a junior dragster or a go-kart first.
Definitely a go-kart. 
congrats! Mine are 4.5 monthes old.. greatest things ever.. cant wait to be able to take them to races..