Is there any way to see if there has been a recall issued on wives and/or children?
It seems that they are unable to process or understand the concept of "Off" or "Close". No amount of coaxing, asking, insisting... explaining, screaming, etc will yield results. If I come home from work on any given day... every light in the house will be on and more than likely the front door or side will be open. I can return and no one is home - doors unlocked, lights on, garage open.... once in a while an empty oven will be baking. Tts not like I haven't made my view on this clear - so I must assume they are defective.
Does anyone one know how to see if there is a fix, patch or replacement offered?
No legal fix, only preventative measures one can take.
When you leave, kill the lights and lock the doors. If they're home they will find their way out.
BTW, don't yell. After a while it becomes background static and they just shut you off.
No, I haven't heard of any recalls though.....
No recall - it's an engineering flaw so it can't be fixed.
There is a spousal trade-in process, but it is expensive!
As for the kiddies, I think there was some midwest state that was accepting drop-off donations.
Yep, it's a basic design flaw. It can be fixed temporarily by roaring and screaming but it always comes right back. The trade in process is expensive and will net you another model with the same basic design flaw. Plus it will generally have a couple of other hidden flaws and defects you hadn't counted on (this is referred to as the devil you do know vs the devil you don't quandary).
I tried to fix this on that show wife swap, but they wanted to give me another wife. I was hoping to get a boat
Dammit Wally, you know that if it floats or has a skirt you can't afford it.
bludroptop wrote:
There is a spousal trade-in process, but it is expensive!
I have seen the results of this process and it would be much more cost effective for me to just leave all the doors open and the heat on full blast full time.
bludroptop wrote:
As for the kiddies, I think there was some midwest state that was accepting drop-off donations.
I am fond of the little buggers - too bad you can't fix them with an oxy torch, welder and some scrap metal. I'd be all set.
I think my temporary fix is going to be return springs on the doors, X10 switches and a motion sensor to shut off any light that is on in a room with no movement for 10 min... and kick her out of the garage.
With the kids, have you thought about sitting everybody down and looking at the electric bill. Tell them that any money saved on the next bill as a result of their efforts to turn off lights and close doors and so forth will be split up between them?
Might work. Won't save you any money, but it might work.
Travel to Nebraska and you can drop off rugrats up until age 17 scot free. I think they are taking a second look at the whole process now..
Philip K. Dick wrote a short story that he said wasn't taking a stand on abortion, but in the story folks were supposed to renew the "licenses" on their children...just like those on dogs or cats. Failure to keep the "child license" up to date made the child at risk for being impounded. (Parents COULD chose not to "redeem" their children at the pound. Just like with a pet, there were fees that had to be paid to get children back.) Children were not considered to be citizens with full rights/no longer needing a license, until they could solve Algebra problems on their own.
Sorry, I forget the name of the story.
+1 on the return springs and motion sensor lights
EastCoastMojo wrote:
With the kids, have you thought about sitting everybody down and looking at the electric bill. Tell them that any money saved on the next bill as a result of their efforts to turn off lights and close doors and so forth will be split up between them?
Might work. Won't save you any money, but it might work.
That hasn't worked for me. What might work a little better, at least for a while is to inform them that the more spent on the electric bill is less for their allowance or other things they want to do like go out to eat or trips to the amusement park, etc...
for the open doors the next time you come home to an open door go around the house and collect up all the most valuable possessions of those that are normally responsible for this and maybe a few other things like the tv and such and stash them away in a dark corner of the garage and wait for everyone to get home.
11/6/08 3:57 p.m.
My wife requested a recall and it was granted. A few months later she wanted to recall the recall. My warrenty stated she was three months too late.
My mom always has this saying whenever I complain about something "Why don't you fire me if I'm such a terrible mother?" and I reply " 'Cause thats Dad's job" or "I would if I could"

I live in an interesting family. Very conservative, but we are allowed to speak our minds.
I know a guy who used to miss overtime calls because his kids were always on the phone. He added call-waiting, but one day, one of the kids ignored his incoming call and just kept talking. He left work, went home, took all of the phones out of the house, threw them in the trunk of his car and went back to work.
He's divorced now.
I know a guy who used to miss overtime calls because his wife and kids were always on the phone. He added call-waiting, but one day, one of the kids ignored his incoming call and just kept talking. He left work, went home, took all of the phones out of the house, threw them in the trunk of his car and went back to work.
He's divorced now.
What a grateful family, it's not like his overtime fed them, sheltered them, or clothed them.
I hid the thermostat one day when the wife wouldn't leave it alone. Unscrewed it from the wall, put it in a closet. Taught her what "I'm cold" means. This was only after she wouldn't help put the plastic up over the windows to help get rid of the drafts.
My roommates leave the lights on to the watercloset and shower ALL the time. There's a fan that accompanies it and IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!
Tim are you reading this thread? Or at least the title.
It seems that Marjorie is getting a little uppity in her fruit threads. You might want to check the warranty on her.