I went out on Friday to a few thrift stores nearby in the hopes I might score a working film camera. I didn't find any cameras, but I did find a 28mm lens for my Pentax.

It was sitting alone on a shelf, and I was all to eager to buy it. I've been wanting a wider angle lens for my Pentax, and this fits the bill perfectly.
I know it's not really a name brand lens, but $7.99 is a heck of a deal for any camera lens in my opinion.
What other sort of cool stuff have you scored at thrift stores recently?
Nice find! I'm always on the lookout for vintage camera stuff at thrift stores.
My latest find was this Thermique serving thermos for only $5. 
In reply to ChrisTropea :
I love the colors on that.
7/24/23 1:01 p.m.
Nothing i bought, but I found an awesome store as I was wandering St Pete on my weekend.

Gonna go back for these, I think. Some brief googling shows that they were often uranium glass, but even if not I love em

I just went to the Goodwill near me and saw an espresso machine for $75. I took it to the back of the store to plug it in and everything seemed to be working on it, but for $75 I was a bit unsure. Then I googled it (Jura Capresso Impressa E8) and saw that they were selling for $350 for parts or repair on ebay! Apparently the thing was $2500 new! So needless to say I bought it, brought it home and cleaned it up. The thing works flawlessly, and I had several cups of espresso to celebrate.
7/24/23 1:48 p.m.
Somehow ended up with a Pentax A 28mm F2.8 lens from flea market shopping a few weeks back. Original lens caps and all for 5 dollars. No Pentax mount camera though lol.
A Thrifts thread! Sweet!
Two recent finds (both sorta thrifted):

This is an old Popular Mechanics "Auto Album" from 1952 that mainly covers prewar stuff that my wife and I found at an antique/junk shop in town. I don't know nearly enough about prewar stuff, and this is a good primer for all of that and then some.

My hometown has a transfer station (aka the dump) that has a section called The Swap Shop. It's basically a FREE thrift store, and legendary in the area. The town is full of affluent people that would throw away a nice car if they got bored of it (see my LERN ME thread about Volvo 850's), and my retired dad is a volunteer there. When he sees something good, and no one else wants it, he's allowed to snag things. When he saw this old Jubilee air horn setup from the late 70's, he knew it needed to get installed in my Power Wagon, so he grabbed it for me. It's complete with the plastic insert and everything. Sells for around $50 in Ebay!

My wife and I picked up this set of chairs recently from one of our favorite resale shops. No tags on them and they look like they were professionally reupholstered recently. They were $160 for the pair. We're thrilled with them.
This wasn't recently but within 5 years. While dropping off some junk, I spotted this Crown IC 150 Stereo Preamp sticking out of a cardboard box dropped off outside the back door of a thrift store waiting to be brought in and processed. I brought it in and asked how much they wanted for it. It already had a tag that said $10 that somebody else had tried and failed to sell, so they said $10 and after I plugged it in and it turned on I brought it home. After cleaning it up with Deoxit contact cleaner, it worked perfectly so I gave it to my son to use as a turntable pre-preamp along with my turntable and all of my scratchy records so that he could also experience the love/hate relationship of record ownership. It was probably worth $350 back 55-60 years ago.

Does a FB Marketplace score count? New lampshade for the office.

The Amazon/Alibaba reseller where I do most of my weekly shopping is similar in a lot of ways to a thrift store. Each item in this pic was $10 on their "fresh" day:

In this shot: JBL wireless earbuds, 32 ohm studio headphones (still untested), ASUS ROG wireless gaming mouse, Bluetooth mechanical keyboard with brown keycaps, an android TV box with a snapdragon 905S (considering to rebuild into a emulator machine), two kits.for foldaway shelves, an air gun meant to blow dust from servers, a 10.1 inch android car touchscreen, and a dumbbell weight rack.
I found half an engine there once, too.