What won't break after a month and can be bought from Amazon? (we have gift certificate $$ and I want to put together a road trip emergency kit.)
I've used this orange plastic Black and Decker compressor which falls into the "junk" category. The only helpful thing is the ability to run it from DC or AC power and I can't seem to find any others of decent quality that do that and I don't trust Amazon reviews enough. I see some combination air compressor/jump packs but I have suspicions they would also be plasticky junk.
Any recommendations based on long-term use?
I've used one of these for years:
The compressor is slowing down, but I've used it to jump start tons of cars, as well as charge cell phones while camping, and run a 12v air blower for air mattresses. I take it everywhere.
1/1/18 3:07 p.m.
I've had this for a year...
STANLEY J5C09 Jump Starter: 1000 Peak/500 Instant Amps, 120 PSI Air Compressor

EDIT: I now see the post above is the exact same thing. But after a year it's still going (I've never used the compressor though)
I've had a 12V Campbell Hausfeld for several years, it works, it could be better, but has saved my bacon, and a few other random folks' bacon as well over the years. It was one of the "practical Christmas gifts" from my late Grandfather he was known for giving, so emotional attachment has kept me from replacing it.
Discontinued Campbell Hausfeld RP3100
I used it to rescue my sister a little before Thanksgiving, not only did she appreciate the rescue, but the fact that it was one of Grandpa's gifts. So, in the practical gift giving fashion of our grandpa, my sister and two other family members got one of these from SWMBO and I for Christmas this year.
Viair 77P

Comes in a convenient little carrying pack, runs off of a cigarette lighter 12V plug, back light pressure gauge built in, LED light, and is a Viair, which is supposed to be good.
bigdaddylee82 said:
I used it to rescue my sister a little before Thanksgiving, not only did she appreciate the rescue, but the fact that it was one of Grandpa's gifts. So, in the practical gift giving fashion of our grandpa, my sister and two other family members got one of these from SWMBO and I for Christmas this year.
Viair 77P

Comes in a convenient little carrying pack, runs off of a cigarette lighter 12V plug, back light pressure gauge built in, LED light, and is a Viair, which is supposed to be good.
I have this. It’s great but it’s a little slow for for 18+ tires. I also got the extended hose kit for it too which helps reach around the vehicles more easily. Do not put it back in the bag if doing more than one tire since it gets quite hot. Let it cool first.
Fueled by Caffeine said:
I’ve heard good things about the viair brand.
This one looks nice. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005ASY23I/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1514684826&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=viair+compressor&dpPl=1&dpID=41OycFDAm9L&ref=plSrch
I have that one, it works great. I'm thinking about getting a 50 cal ammo can to mount/store it in.
1/2/18 10:20 a.m.
As an aside, the Puma PD1006 has the same performance as some air compressors in the $600 range, but costs $225. If the tank is too much, you can remove it and run just the compressor.
Just for jump starting, this is what I have and I love it!
POCKET POWER 2.0 15000mAh

In reply to Jerry :
I've got a Stanley thing like that. The compressor is a little slow, but otherwise I've got no complaints. It's worked the couple of times it's been needed.
Not available at Amazon, but I picked this up at lunch today:
For $56 with the 20% off coupon found in every issue of GRM.
Initial impression? Seems to work fine. And I couldn't beat the price.
Tom Suddard said:
Not available at Amazon, but I picked this up at lunch today:
For $56 with the 20% off coupon found in every issue of GRM.
Initial impression? Seems to work fine. And I couldn't beat the price.
I got 2 years out of the previous generation before it stopped taking a charge and became a very clumsy hammer. Too bad, it was useful to have around. Might buy another some day.
Jerry said:
I've had this for a year...
STANLEY J5C09 Jump Starter: 1000 Peak/500 Instant Amps, 120 PSI Air Compressor

EDIT: I now see the post above is the exact same thing. But after a year it's still going (I've never used the compressor though)
Have the same one. Left it in the trunk of the car for what must be months and months without doing the recommended monthly charge and some dudes approached me late at night as I was parking for a jump. With only one indicator light showing it worked on their Exploder. So I take it home and charge it up fully again, took quite a few hours, and then just a few weeks later, this past weekend I grab it to use on an Ion and E36 M3 it's down to one light again, very cold admittedly recently in the trunk of course. Didn't do the job unfortunately except allow them to take the key out of the ignition but as I left the parking garage the other dude I was with didn't seem to be having any luck using jumper leads from his Impala either. Gotta grab it tomorrow and charge it up again. Maybe in cold weather ya gotta check/charge it each week?
On another note they couldn't get the key out of their Ion with a dead battery or pop the trunk which we had to access through the back seat. 
If you don't put it face down it'll bump the compressor on when you're driving at some point by moving around. Very weird the first time it happens.
Now that I think about it the air was working at the time of the Ion jump as I checked it so...
Fueled by Caffeine said:
I’ve heard good things about the viair brand.
This one looks nice. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005ASY23I/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1514684826&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=viair+compressor&dpPl=1&dpID=41OycFDAm9L&ref=plSrch
We ended up getting that one. It's well made, fast, and surprisingly compact. I like that it runs off jumpers on the car battery instead of the cigarette lighter.
bigdaddylee82 said:
Viair 77P

Comes in a convenient little carrying pack, runs off of a cigarette lighter 12V plug, back light pressure gauge built in, LED light, and is a Viair, which is supposed to be good.
I've got one of these and while tiny, it works really well for normal size tires. Make sure your lighter circuit has at least a 15A fuse or run it off the jumper cable clamps.